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    Maliki decide to break the high ceilings and offers an olive branch .. Is it succeed?

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    Maliki decide to break the high ceilings and offers an olive branch .. Is it succeed? Empty Maliki decide to break the high ceilings and offers an olive branch .. Is it succeed?

    Post by Rocky Sun 08 May 2016, 9:59 am

    Maliki decide to break the high ceilings and offers an olive branch .. Is it succeed?

    8.5.2016 12:42 |

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Everyone agrees that the current political crisis is the most difficult in the history of Iraq after the change in 2003, and failed to even foreign countries that have significant strategic interests in Iraq resolved. After this crisis disrupted the executive (Cabinet) and the legislative (parliament)

    The splitting of the Iraqi political scene into three views of the high ceilings, the first to insist on keeping the three presidencies, and the second Egypt sacked, and the third move the street in order to put pressure on the achievement of reforms (he sees from his point of view), making more optimists believed that this crisis can be solved only miraculously, 

    but when the leader of a coalition calls on state law, Nuri al-Maliki, the House of Representatives, both to "a standard contract to meet in order to end the crisis and resume the exercise of his functions and exit agreement ends the legal problems that have accompanied previous hearings him,"

    it means that al-Maliki has restored put himself in a new way, this time, away from the escalating's calculated it, Aban sit parliament and calling for the dismissal of the three presidencies, and that the convictions of al-Maliki, this could save the political process from collapse.

    Maliki has put himself as an expert can save what is left of the political process, when he said in his statement that: "In light of the challenges faced by the country and in order to move the stalemate suffered by the political process and serious crisis that has beset the prestige of the state security

    and their positions invite the members of the Board of Representatives from the various parties to hold a unified meeting for dialogue and the search for a consensual way out of the House and end the crisis bring him back to the exercise of fundamental constitutional duties. " Maliki also called on political parties to 
    "agree on addressing the causes of the crisis."

    "We believe that constructive dialogue between everyone will contribute in overcoming the crisis, and we find it necessary to produce an agreement ending all legal problems that have accompanied previous meetings of the Council and to move towards the resumption of the work of the House of Representatives vote on the dismissal of ministers and appointments."

    To direct his call, "the Council of Ministers to come back into session."

    It seems by al-Maliki asked for his project to end the crisis that arrived convinced that cling to high ceilings would not work under the current circumstances, and that the political break wills is the peak of disruption of state and government of society,

    and he embraced himself to give up is in order to proceed with reforms whether agreed on a roadmap her and in particular within the National Alliance.
    The formulations statement Maliki important phrases, suggest through questioning analytical tack phrases, convinced of the new owners, calling for Etbird hottest events in advance, then the agreement the two wings of the parliament to exit a constitutional law on the presidency to continue parliamentary activity, 

    even if it has been found suitable for the return of former presidential legal ground, then rebroadcast spirit in the Council of Ministers, and this calls Abadi stay in the premiership, and then proceed with reforms, and this requires the activation of the National Alliance meetings to agree on an agreed formula reform.

    This conviction logical, in the case of the intersection of the projects that have characterized the previous period, while in the profit accounts of political and partisan and loss, seems reading this logical most of the Dawa Party and a coalition of state law,

    Vobar the past few days she brought out the post of prime minister from the party and the mass formula, and the preservation of the the status quo is also subtle pragmatic political gain instead of a very sharp change, and betting on the next election, after over a year ago

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    Maliki decide to break the high ceilings and offers an olive branch .. Is it succeed? Empty Re: Maliki decide to break the high ceilings and offers an olive branch .. Is it succeed?

    Post by Diamond Sun 08 May 2016, 10:25 am

    Does anyone else have the old story of the good hearted woman who took the frozensnake into to home to care for it??? surprise
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    Maliki decide to break the high ceilings and offers an olive branch .. Is it succeed? Empty Re: Maliki decide to break the high ceilings and offers an olive branch .. Is it succeed?

    Post by fonz1951 Sun 08 May 2016, 10:41 am

    i do, i think johnny rivers sang a song about it. why don't this guy just go away for a looooooooonnnnnnngggg time?
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    Maliki decide to break the high ceilings and offers an olive branch .. Is it succeed? Empty Re: Maliki decide to break the high ceilings and offers an olive branch .. Is it succeed?

    Post by weslin3 Sun 08 May 2016, 8:45 pm

    He is a poisonous snake for sure Diamond... Don't know that story but kinda have a feeling that I have an idea....

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    Maliki decide to break the high ceilings and offers an olive branch .. Is it succeed? Empty Re: Maliki decide to break the high ceilings and offers an olive branch .. Is it succeed?

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