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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Former Transport Minister warns of ratification Kuwait to regulate shipping in the Khawr Abd Allah c

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Former Transport Minister warns of ratification Kuwait to regulate shipping in the Khawr Abd Allah c Empty Former Transport Minister warns of ratification Kuwait to regulate shipping in the Khawr Abd Allah c

    Post by Hkp1 Fri 10 May 2013, 10:23 am

    10 May 13-12: 08 am

    Former Transport Minister warns of ratification Kuwait to regulate shipping in the Khawr Abd Allah channel

    Transport Minister and marine expert Amer Abduljabbar Ismail appealed
    to the attention of the members of the House of representatives in
    response to the presentation of Iraqi-Kuwaiti agreement to regulate
    shipping in the Khawr Abd Allah channel and took the initiative, saying
    that the Iraqi-Kuwaiti agreement to regulate shipping in the Khawr Abd
    Allah is the right word Murad by void

    And Abdul-Jabbar for the most important news agency n risk ratifying this Convention as follows:

    1. this Convention gives recognition of padded and port site in violation of the law of the Sea article 70 paragraph 2

    2. this Convention does not give the right to future Iraq challenged the unjust resolution 833

    this Convention prevent Iraqi and foreign ships entering our ports from
    the Iraqi flag with that oppressive resolution 833 although it gave
    Iraq the right navigation of innocent and if we go back to the law of
    the Sea article 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, which defines the meaning of the
    innocent, the navigation does not prevent Iraq from the Iraqi flag on
    Iraqi and foreign vessels within Iraqi ports and this new Government of
    Kuwait exceeded the territorial waters than they take as booty him
    unjust resolution 833

    4. this Convention will give predominance to Kuwaiti of Iraqi sovereignty ...
    House of representatives for Remodeling this Convention to maritime
    experts specialists without pressure or interference in the Affairs of
    professional specialization or made under pressure of political
    statement view all literal and transparency

    And Abdul-Jabbar
    said, "frankly I objected since 2011.04.02 history directly create the
    port of Kuwait Mubarak informed all political parties and have not heard
    anyone but each refused to report to Iraq right legal basis and
    proposed solutions and strange I find political blocs differ among
    themselves in everything but their agreed among themselves to succumb to
    the excesses of Kuwait to Iraq!
    Non agency special

      Current date/time is Wed 18 Sep 2024, 7:22 pm