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    Public pension reveal discuss the law to unite private and public sector pay pensions

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277271
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Public pension reveal discuss the law to unite private and public sector pay pensions Empty Public pension reveal discuss the law to unite private and public sector pay pensions

    Post by Rocky Wed 11 May 2016, 7:06 am

    Public pension reveal discuss the law to unite private and public sector pay pensions

    May 11, 2016

    [size=13][size=14][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Our economy / Baghdad

    Announced public pension body, Wednesday, to discuss the law in the State Consultative Council for the Unification of Private sector salaries covered by social security and government, indicating that most of the institutions working in the private sector evade registration due to lack of pension and privileges.

    He said the Authority director Ahmed Abdel Jalil al-Saadi said in a statement seen by the agency of our economy News, "The authority is working in coordination with the Social Security Department to standardize covered by private-sector salaries and social state security law," pointing to "the reluctance of citizens working in the private sector to register for the security department social because of the large disparity between the salaries of retirees in the public sector that reaches a minimum of 400 000 dinars and 460 dinars for retirees for health reasons, while he gets retired in private sector companies from the social security minimum is 170 000 dinars. "

    He said al-Saadi said "the law is discussed now in the State Consultative Council with the National Pension Commission and the Department of Social Security and after completion to be sent then to the Cabinet and then to the House for a vote," noting that "the law would be equal to private and public sector, Add to that it would give some of the privileges of a special, similar to Baovernma to promote the work done. "

    He said al-Saadi "The enactment of the law will ensure the entry of workers in the private sector, the Department of Social Security," pointing out that "the majority of institutions in the private sector evade registration due to lack of pension and privileges, plus weak oversight and follow-up in the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs."

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