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    Abadi Office: The cabinet held its meeting in accordance with the rules of procedure

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Abadi Office: The cabinet held its meeting in accordance with the rules of procedure Empty Abadi Office: The cabinet held its meeting in accordance with the rules of procedure

    Post by Rocky Thu 12 May 2016, 3:42 am

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    Abadi Office: The cabinet held its meeting in accordance with the rules of procedure

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    Called spokesman of the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, on Wednesday, the House ofRepresentatives to exercise its work and performance of legislative duties. And as pointed out that in charge of the protection ofthe House of Representatives security force are not linked to the premiership, he stressed that replaced theprocess again strongly came at the request by the President of the Parliament. 
    Saad al - Sabri, a spokesman for the prime minister, in a statement received (range Press) copy of it, " continue the work of the government and the continuation of the meetings of the Council of Ministers comes to carry out the constitutional duties and in accordance with the legal texts provided for in the rules ofprocedure of the Council of Ministers in order to perform the tasks entrusted to the Council on the service, security and economic level. " 
    the Council of Ministers was held on Tuesday, a meeting attended by nine ministers only in addition to thePrime Minister Haider al - Abadi. And he took refuge in the prime minister to take over bags ministers interrupting and Mstquilin proxy to complete Nasab.ohkkt legal political parties first cabinet meeting held after the storming of the House of Representatives on 30 April. 
    In another context, Sabri said : "We renew our call to the House of Representatives to exercise its work and the performance of his functions under the circumstances that Iraq is going through at this stage. " He noted government spokesman that " the protection of the House of Representatives are the responsibility of theCouncil itself and that the regiment Protection Board is an independent regiment associated Authority presidency of the Council and not the government," stressing that " the request to change the protection of the Council came from the head of the House of Representatives." 
    The head of the House of Representatives, Saleem Jubouri confirmed, last Tuesday, the importance of acomprehensive session of parliament to overcome the current crisis a decade, stressing continuation of thedialogue with the parties are all involved in this Alhon.aly, the spokesman of the Prime Minister, that " theorganization Daash receded presence in the cities and provinces of Iraq , " noting "after that it occupies 40% of the land of Iraq, left him more than 14% of the land desecrated since he entered it in 2014". 
    Sabri pointed out that the "government effort continuously to provide the victory requirements in this war of arming and training and gain further international and regional support and move the process of returning displaced persons and the rehabilitation of liberated cities and stabilize it. "

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