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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Planning accomplish national development for the management of financial resources project

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Planning accomplish national development for the management of financial resources project Empty Planning accomplish national development for the management of financial resources project

    Post by Rocky Thu 19 May 2016, 3:26 am

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    Planning accomplish national development for the management of financial resources project

     Baghdad / term 

    The Ministry of Planning and Cooperation, on Wednesday, on the completion of the draft national development department for themanagement of financial resources, noting that the project is considered one of the pillars important in the application of e - government. 
    He said Planning Minister Salman al - Jumaili, said in a statement the "long" received a copy of it, that " theministry completed the draft national development administration (idms) with support from the US agency fordevelopment ", adding that" the project is the first of its kind in Iraq. " 
    He added Jumaili" the project will help the government on the management of financial resources by about sound and improve the level of performance in providing better services to citizens and achieving transparency and the fight against corruption, in addition to providing precise mechanisms in the follow - up projects and determine the percentage of completion and the deviation in the implementation process. " 
    He noted Jumaili that" the ministry has worked on the project for several years , "noting that it" has trained 932 trainees from various ministries and provinces to work on the application of this system which represents one of the important staff in the application of e - government, as well as being one of the important tools in the administrative and financial reform in Iraq. "

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