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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Abadi and Executive Director of the World Bank for Iraq discuss joint cooperation

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Abadi and Executive Director of the World Bank for Iraq discuss joint cooperation Empty Abadi and Executive Director of the World Bank for Iraq discuss joint cooperation

    Post by Rocky Fri 20 May 2016, 2:40 am

    [ltr]Abadi and Executive Director of the World Bank for Iraq discuss joint cooperation[/ltr]

     Since 19/05/2016 20:00 (Baghdad time)
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]
    [ltr]BAGHDAD - balances News[/ltr]
    [ltr]Search Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Thursday, with the Executive Director in the World Bank's Iraq Iraq Mirza Hassan mutual cooperation.[/ltr]
    [ltr]According to a statement received / balances News /, a copy of it, that "the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi met in his office today, Executive Director of the World Bank for Iraq Mirza Hassan and his accompanying delegation and discussed with him cooperation between Iraq and the World Bank and the projects implemented by the bank in Iraq and its plans and projects for the next stage. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]He said Abadi, according to the statement "the importance of supporting the private sector and the need to focus on projects the province of Basra."[/ltr]
    [ltr]In turn, said Hassan that "Iraq's stability is important and we have a new strategy to increase cooperation with Iraq and support and soft loans of the private sector", displaying their support, "full of the reforms carried out by Dr. Abadi that Iraq if it continues with this approach, it will surpass the crisis and evolve a lot."[/ltr]
    [ltr]Mirza said that "the bank is considering increasing investment projects in electricity, water and other types of energy sectors," .anthy 29/9 P[/ltr]

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