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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Group of Seven agree to provide assistance to Iraq package worth 6.3 billion dollars

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Group of Seven agree to provide assistance to Iraq package worth 6.3 billion dollars Empty Group of Seven agree to provide assistance to Iraq package worth 6.3 billion dollars

    Post by Rocky Sun 29 May 2016, 2:35 am

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    Group of Seven agree to provide assistance to Iraq package worth 6.3 billion dollars

     Baghdad / long-Presse 

    And approved the Group of Seven industrialized nations leaders, to provide assistance to Iraq worth 6.3 billion dollars, while the leaders stressed that the amount ofoffers to help Iraq in the fight against terrorism and address the causes of migration. 
    A statement by the Group of Seven nations after the end of their meeting in the coastal town of Issy Cheema small downtown Japan, seen by the (long - Presse) that " the leaders of the seven countries are committed to the territorial integrity of Iraq and remain committed to continuing our support for the unity, sovereignty andterritorial integrity of Iraq and the Iraqi people , " noting that "we support the Iraqi government 's efforts toaccelerate political and economic reforms and promote national reconciliation." 
    he praised the leaders of the group , according to the statement " the efforts of the Iraqi forces in their fight against (Daash)", calling on the international community to "support the Iraqi government to achieve stability in the areas that have been liberated from the organization." 
    the statement quoted the leaders reaffirmed the "commitment to accelerate the provision of support to theefforts of Iraq 's efforts to face the financial challenge and strengthen the economy , "pointing out that" thegroup will seek to provide more than $ 3.6 billion in the framework of bilateral assistance and other forms offinancial support to complement the support from international financial institutions for Iraq. "
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