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    Wasit begin extracting sulfur from Ahdab and stresses: the production of 200 thousand barrels of oil

    Admin Assist
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    Wasit begin extracting sulfur from Ahdab and stresses: the production of 200 thousand barrels of oil Empty Wasit begin extracting sulfur from Ahdab and stresses: the production of 200 thousand barrels of oil

    Post by Rocky Sun 29 May 2016, 2:38 am

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    Wasit begin extracting sulfur from Ahdab and stresses: the production of 200 thousand barrels of oil per day

     Wasit / Jabbar Bjay 

    Announced Wasit Provincial Council, on Saturday, for the start of sulfur production for the first time in the Ahdab oil field, west ofKut, and as promised, this production will enhance the national industry 's capacity, revealed that the rate ofoil production from the fields of humpback and Badra totaled 200 thousand barrels a day. 
    She head of the energy Committee in the House of Wasit province , hoping Ugaili in an interview to the (long -Presse), " the Angels oil operating in the Ahdab oil field, (23 , west of Kut) km, managed first time , the production of sulfur and the initial capacity of 15 tons per day , " indicating "this amount of production represents the first phase of the sulfur production." 
    I promised Ugaili, that "sulfur production will contribute to the promotion of the national industry, the large number of industrial uses , " asserting that "production is set to rise upward in the subsequent period , inaddition to the exploitation associated with the production process gas in other areas. " 
    She Ugaili, that" crude oil production rates from the fields of humpback and Badra increased to 200 thousand barrels per day, and by 160 thousand barrels of Ahdab and 40 thousand barrels of Badrah, from about 180 thousand barrels per day , "pointing to the " the two Oasis Chinese invested field humpback, and Kazibrom Russian invested field Badra have carried out so far drilled 200 oil wells." 
    He revealed Ugaili, that "153 wells have entered into actual production, by 13 wells in the Badra field and 140 in the Hunchback," likely "that daily oil production is 350 thousand barrels more than a day, if you complete the rest of the wells and linked system of production. " it is 
    noteworthy that Wasit province includes two oilfields first is Ahdab which has a capacity at the peak of 200 thousand barrels, featuring a field which was discovered in 1979 and which is invested Oasis is currently before the Chinese company, and the second is the Badra oil field, which was announced in the second round of licensing the end of 2009 and is currently run by a coalition Kazibrom, with a peak power production of the 170 thousand barrels per day.
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