BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq depart, on Saturday, the Iraqi opposition conference in theFrench capital with the participation of a number of Iraqi political and religious, and Western personalities. Former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin expressed the view that " thesovereignty of Iraq since 2003 , is questionable." He called for the development of quick solutions tolift the country from the midst of the disaster. Villepin, who attended the opening of the conference and explained that " the sovereignty of Iraq since 2003 , dubious, and this is what we said , and President Jacques Chirac asked then how can impose democracy on a country by force and Iraq 'sfragmented." He added de Villepin: "If it is not put urgent solutions to the situation in Iraq, the disaster will expand rapidly, there is no way only through dialogue and understanding , open to theother and not sticking , " calling on the Iraqi opposition to the lack of preconditions and to open adialogue with everyone. He said that " the solution in Iraq must be based on consensus based Popular and understandings with Iran and neighboring countries , " in turn , former Republican Senator David Weldon stressed that the lawmakers voted in favor of the invasion of Iraq" Based on what they gave us the information , "admitted Weldon that such information was misleading and wrong. He said , and gave birth to what is happening in Syria from work appalling is the result ofthe situation catastrophic in Iraq , which suffers from corruption and chaos. for his part, Gerald Wheeler, the American former senator in the Bush administration that " the risk of militias in Iraq and Syria least risk Daash there are ignoring the serious violations." for his part Bradley Blackman, a former adviser in the Bush administration that " the American people ignorant of what Daash means and we have to ask how it will treat the new administration in the White House with this file ," calling on Iraqis not to count on Washington in the near future, he said , the United States live anelection campaign and after the administration needs time and it does not Iraqis must be waiting forsomething close to Washington. "for his part , Mohammed al - Husseini, a Lebanese cleric that" Iraq is the occupation of velayat - e faqih regime and suffers from strife because of him. " He also stressed that" Lebanon without a president, Iraq and Syria under the scalpel division ... the Iranian regime takes advantage of chaos and Wanted in Lebanon are terrorists. "he called on al - Husseini from Paris to restore the rights of Jews displaced from Iraq in the context of keeping the rights ofall minorities" and said that "Iraqi Jews counties."