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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Dohuk launches its strategy of development 2016- 2018 with the support of the European Union

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    Dohuk launches its strategy of development 2016- 2018 with the support of the European Union Empty Dohuk launches its strategy of development 2016- 2018 with the support of the European Union

    Post by Rocky Mon 30 May 2016, 3:33 am

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    Dohuk launches its strategy of development 2016- 2018 with the support of the European Union

    Editor: BK 29/05/2016 20:15 Number ofViews: 1153 

    Long-Presse / Duhok
    Announced Dohuk province, on Sunday, development strategy 2016- 2018, while indicated that they are prepared with the support local area development program of the UNDP and funded by the European Union, confirmed that it aims to achieve progress in the six areas are economy, multi-sectoral and geographical location, government services and investment climate administrative and financial efficiency and human resources.
    This came during a ceremony in Dohuk, (460 km north of Baghdad), today's systems, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme and the European Union Programme and the "Norell" is Aovernmah.bhsp statement of the United Nations Special Mission to help Iraq (UNAMI), I received ( long-Presse) a copy of it,
    The governor of Dohuk, Farhad Amin Otroha, through the presentation of the strategy, "The citizens of Dohuk deserve the highest degree of social and economic welfare and the system of governance invest resources efficiently," stressing the "administration of the province's commitment to achieve through the development strategy that was developed to meet the needs and aspirations of Dohuk and its people."
    In turn, the EU representative in Arbil, Patrick Gazn, according to the statement, "The European Union is investing in the Kurdistan region development, which suffered instability and sanctions and conflicts for more than three decades," adding that "development strategy, through the promotion of good governance, will be successful in Dohuk. "
    According to UNAMI, that "an exhibition held on the sidelines of the ceremony under the slogan Made in Dohuk, and lasts two days to show the diversity of the region across a range Handicraft and professionalism of traditional artwork and refugees Syrians and displaced persons and host communities," indicating that "The ceremony also saw the exhibition sounds exile, which reflected the life of camp Kourkosk over 50 image seen through the lens of Syrian refugee children and youth, and it was attended a large number of them in the gallery length of 370 meters on the banks of the Seine River in Paris. "
    She explained the mission, that the "37 innovative projects participated in the exhibition chose them to the Commission, according to specific criteria, which is the best three-mail program for military tracking and audio device for the deaf and education intelligent paperless."
    The Director of the local area development program, Isabella Oorayb, always according to the statement, "The United Nations was founded for the people," indicating that "the organization are taking today a further step towards achieving the development goals which reflected the voices of local communities, by improving the delivery of public services, which reflect developmental progress on the daily lives of people. "
    Reported the UN Mission, said: "Dahuk became the third province in the Kurdistan region of Iraq launches development strategy officially, after Sulaimaniyah and Irbil," pointing out that "the United Nations Development Programme provides through local area development flagship program of direct support to the 12 governorates in Iraq in order to develop planning and implementation capacity at the sector level, and promote the application of budgets and service delivery, and to improve coordination between the center and the provinces, and increase the participation of local communities in the development. "
    The Iraqi Ministry of Planning, promised at a meeting of the National Advisory Committee for the program development of local areas, of the United Nations Development Programme in Iraq, in the Jordanian capital, Amman, in (the 14th of April 2016), the economic crisis and the war against terrorism requires better cooperation at local levels the central and develop strategies for the overall development, indicating that the need for "urgent" for the continuation of the European Union and the United Nations development Fund for Iraq support, while its direct support for 12 Iraqi province of the United Nations assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) confirmed, the EU expressed its readiness to help Iraq "Operation restore hope

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