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    IMF supports Iraq economically to take it out of financial distress

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    IMF supports Iraq economically to take it out of financial distress Empty IMF supports Iraq economically to take it out of financial distress

    Post by Rocky Mon 30 May 2016, 3:51 am

    [size=37]IMF supports Iraq economically to take it out of financial distress[/size]

    BAGHDAD Journal News: 
    The prime minister of financial affairs adviser to the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said Sunday that Iraq is suffering from an estimated $ 50 billion, and at the time , who pointed out that the arrangements conducted by Iraq with the International Monetary Fund about lending represent a prelude to support community financial gap international Iraq, said the fund enters for the first time the issue of corporate governance, auditing and transparency at ahigh level in this regard.
    Saleh said in a statement reported (Journal News), said that "Iraq is suffering from significant financial gap during the next three years is estimated at 50 billion dollars," adding that "this gap presented projects and Iraq's stability at risk."
    Saleh added that "the international financial community is responsible for the stability of Iraq as Iraq is part of the International Monetary Fund and the institution responsible for financial stability in the world," he said, adding "there is an international synergy to assign Iraq financially-led industrial seven adults, as there is a military award internationally to fight Daash" .
    Salih stressed that "the arrangements conducted by Iraq with the International Monetary Fund represents an introduction to the support of the international community for Iraq and take it out of financial distress that occurred because of lower oil prices and financial attrition war against Daash which will end eventually caused."
    Saleh explained that "credit arrangements program agreed to by Iraq with the fund, which we may need or do not need is present and the present," pointing out that "the Fund enters for the first time the issue of corporate governance, auditing and transparency at a high level in this framework," .anthy
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