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    Zaidi, demanding the expulsion of Sabhan because Aojaj sedition

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Zaidi, demanding the expulsion of Sabhan because Aojaj sedition Empty Zaidi, demanding the expulsion of Sabhan because Aojaj sedition

    Post by Rocky Sat 04 Jun 2016, 2:45 am

    [ltr]Zaidi, demanding the expulsion of Sabhan because Aojaj sedition[/ltr]

     Since 06/03/2016 23:13 pm (Baghdad time)
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]
    [ltr]Zaidi, demanding the expulsion of Sabhan because Aojaj sedition[/ltr]
    [ltr]Baghdad balances News[/ltr]
    [ltr]MP Dr Kamel al-Zaidi, on Friday, the Iraqi government and the Foreign Ministry called for the expulsion of Ambassador Sabhan for interfering in Iraqi affairs and attempts to foment sectarian strife among the people of the country. He called for the reform front, Dr. Kamel al-Zaidi the Iraqi government and the Foreign Ministry to take a real role, which is guaranteed by international treaties between states and foremost of which is respect for the rule of the country by the ambassadors and non-interference of internal affairs of al-Zaidi said in a statement issued by his press office and received / balances News / Ambassador Saudi "exceeded the limits of diplomatic currency and became a defender Daash and its spokesman in silence strayed from Iraqi Foreign living Besbat and absence." It is clear that the "Edit Fallujah battles live final stages thanks to concerted and cohesion of the Iraqi people and the popular crowd and security forces and the sons of the Iraqi tribes that disrupted Daash plans and its supporters." The leadership of the federal police forces announced the killing of 361 Daashaa since the 22 of May and until the third of June, in what was during the same period 604 IEDs thinking and killed 41 sniper and detonate 14 bombs and five bicycle bomb bulldozers. She said the leadership of the federal police force said in a statement on the overall Daash losses since the start of liberalization Fallujah operation from 22/5 until 3/6 and seen by / balances News / "it was the killing of 361 Daashaa and 41 sniper including foreigners and the bombing of 604 bomb exploded and destroyed 61 automatic variety to the enemy." She also noted that he was "the destruction of seven plants for the manufacture of containers and booby-trapping the wheels and the seizure of 21 weapons and address the 10 buildings bomb and blow up 14 bicycle bomb and destroyed 286 hostile target and destroyed five bulldozers bomb and destroy 23 wheel bearing machine guns unilateralism." Finally m h n[/ltr]

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