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    Karbala launches monitoring system at a cost of 6 billion dinars

    Admin Assist
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    Karbala launches monitoring system at a cost of 6 billion dinars Empty Karbala launches monitoring system at a cost of 6 billion dinars

    Post by Rocky Sun 05 Jun 2016, 3:38 am

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    Karbala launches monitoring system at a cost of 6 billion dinars

     Karbala / long-Presse 

    Shrine announced in Karbala, the opening of the telecommunications project , security monitoring , and a cost of more than six billion dinars, and pointed to the monument more than 600 modern digital camera used for thefirst time in Iraq, and as pointed out that thesystem analysis Alfdaoa the project automatically work on people 's faces analysis the diagnosis of the suspects in the case toprovide the necessary information, called on security forces to provide them with a database of terrorists and wanted to eliminate. 
    the director of the communications department at the Shrine, Firas Abbas, in an interview with (long -Presse), on the sidelines of the opening ceremony , which was held at the Shrine in Karbala, "it was opening day of the communications project , security monitoring, private Abbasid threshold , " noting that "this project is huge and carries a high artistic fingerprints and carried out with the latest technology, it turned out the world." 
    Abbas added, " The cost of the project exceeded six billion dinars , " noting that "communication and surveillance project consists of two parts , the first is the communication system , including wired infrastructure and wireless networking system and wireless and other long - term network monitoring and warning of espionage and penetration." He said Abbas, said that "the second part of the project is a system monitor security included the installation of more than 600 modern digital camera system for the management of cameras and other storage and archiving and system Alfdaoa analysis used for the first time in Iraq, as well as monitor all wheels entering the Holy area system and the registration Byantha, and like her to count visitors and crowd management. " 
    He stressed Abbas," the system analysis Alfdaoa automatically work on the analysis of people 's faces and diagnosis of suspected terrorists and muggers after being fed with information by the security agencies concerned ", adding that" all cadres working in this project trained outside Iraq and we got more than 50 certificate of experience from companies and global institutions sober in this area. " 
    For his part, Director of projects Department at the Shrine, Zia jeweler, in an interview with (long - Presse)," the cameras security surveillance system and distributed inside and outside Shrine and all roads leading to thearea between the Holy and elsewhere abroad, "returned this project as" a pioneering and very sophisticated was carried out by Iraqi cadres and in cooperation with international companies specialized in this field, withfunding from the Shiite Endowment , and a period of two years. " 
    for his part, said incumbent legitimate threshold Abbasid, Ahmad Safi, in a speech during the opening ceremony, said that "security issues still need attention and efforts in spite of the significant improvements insecurity in some areas."
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