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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Legal expert set forth the terms dismissal of Parliament and election of alternative

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Legal expert set forth the terms dismissal of Parliament and election of alternative Empty Legal expert set forth the terms dismissal of Parliament and election of alternative

    Post by Hkp1 Tue 08 Jan 2013, 12:36 am

    Legal expert set forth the terms dismissal of Parliament and election of alternative

    Tuesday, 08 January 2013 08: 49


    expert Tariq Harb said that "article II/II of the Act replace members
    of the House No. 49 of 2007 authorized the removal of the speaker of the
    House from his position by an absolute majority of the number of
    members of Parliament and reasoned request of one third of the number of
    members of Parliament".

    He said each agency receives Iraq
    [where] on "commenting on collect 110 signatures from the signatures of
    members of Parliament to dismiss the head of the Parliament, article
    II/II of the Act replace members of the House No. 49 of 2007 authorized
    the removal of the President from Office by an absolute majority of the
    number of members of Parliament and reasoned request of one third of the
    members of Parliament since the signatories were 110 Vice the required
    number has been considered than one third of the members of Parliament".

    dismissal of the speaker from Office resulting in the loss of the
    President and the mhatvda as a member of Parliament because the previous
    law select cases of dismissal from membership limited to the
    resignation, death, a felony and sickness absence for more than one
    third of Council meetings.

    And the war that is electing a
    successor to President of Parliament article by an absolute majority of
    the number of deputies present after quorum if imposed, the number of
    deputies present 200 members the President elect, with the consent of
    the 101 member only in accordance with the provisions of article 12/III
    of the rules of procedure of the Chamber of Deputies ".

    He noted
    that "the adoption of the Federal Supreme Court 9/Federal/2009 on
    5/9/2009 the Parliament decided to continue performing his duties and
    held meetings under the chairmanship of a Deputy President if the post
    of Chairman of the Parliament, adding that" the issue requires then vote
    in the House if approved 163 member as the absolute majority of the
    number of the approval of the House of representatives have got House
    speaker loses his post as President and exercised his functions as a
    member ".

    And had elected at its previous session, the House of
    representatives Ayad Al-samarrai was elected Chairman of the Parliament
    rather than his former boss Dr. Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani in 2009.

    it wasNational Bloc leader MP Aziz Sharif Paul White was revealed
    yesterday to collect the signatures of 110 lawmakers from different
    blocks of no confidence from Parliament Speaker Osama Iraq, accusing him
    of bias in favor of the block on the other account.Finished

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