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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Specialize Babylon: Child labor is a "weapon of mass destruction" threatens society

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    Specialize Babylon: Child labor is a "weapon of mass destruction" threatens society Empty Specialize Babylon: Child labor is a "weapon of mass destruction" threatens society

    Post by Rocky Thu 16 Jun 2016, 3:55 am

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    Specialize Babylon: Child labor is a "weapon of mass destruction" threatens society

     Babylon / long-Presse 

    Counting specialists and activists Babylon, on Wednesday, that exacerbate the phenomenon of child labor in Iraq in general and of Babylon in particular, as "a weapon of destruction" threatens the social structure, and called on the government and civil society organizations to cooperate to reduce them and apply special preventing laws. 
     This came during a sensitization seminar devoted the risk of child labor in Iraq in general and of Babylon inparticular, organized nursing Babylon University College in collaboration with the Foundation (Ammar charity), the College Hall, the city of Hilla center, (100 km south of Baghdad), on the occasion of World day Against child Labour, attended (range Press). 
    the Dean of the College of Nursing, Secretary Yasiri, " the research involved the seminar devoted to combat the phenomenon of child labor that plagued the Iraqi society , especially as the scope expands constantly because of the application of economic, social and health insurance laws, and not to help poor families economically , " he said , adding that despite the ongoing international organizations appeals and to warn of the breadth of these serious negative phenomenon and the text of the Iraqi constitution concerning theprohibition of child labor but it is widening requires a road map to reduce them with the participation ofhumanitarian organizations. " 
    for his part, head of the family branch of the society in the Faculty of Medicine , University of Babylon, and anexpert in the World Health Organization, Dr. Hassan Alwan sell me, in an interview to the (long - Presse), " the child labor phenomenon cancerous malignancy ravage the body of the Iraqi society and the weapon ofmass destruction threaten the social structure , " noting that " a study of a hundred children under the age of15 years in the city of Hilla, working different occupations , compared with a hundred others are not working, revealed a significant difference between the two groups, the fact that I left childhood and lost the beautiful things, including education and health, in order to help their hosts. " 
    He warned sell me, from the " risks involved in the labor children either them or the community, including begging, drug abuse, crime and homosexuality and disease outbreaks as a result of the exercise of dangerous occupations , "and urged the government and civil society organizations need to " cooperation to curb this dangerous phenomenon. " 
    turn called director Ammar Charity Foundation in Babylon, the immortality of al - Khafaji, in talk to (long -Presse), to "combat child labor in various ways through the application of laws and regulations and prevent them from hard work." 
     the child labor prevalent in Iraq because of the repercussions of the security, economic and social conditions. 
    has launched the international Labour Organization, the World day against child Labour in in 2002 to focus attention on the extent of the spread of this negative phenomenon in the world, and work to make thenecessary efforts to eliminate them, and June 12 of each year, the world day Against child Labour, meets governments, employers and workers ' organizations and civil society, as well as millions of people around theworld to highlight the plight of children in the workplace and what can be done to help them.
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