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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Red tape and nepotism are hampering the work of the committees compensation in Ramadi

    Admin Assist
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    Red tape and nepotism are hampering the work of the committees compensation in Ramadi Empty Red tape and nepotism are hampering the work of the committees compensation in Ramadi

    Post by Rocky Wed 22 Jun 2016, 4:15 am

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    Red tape and nepotism are hampering the work of the committees compensation in Ramadi

     BAGHDAD / Talk 

    UN and local reports indicate that the rate ofdestruction in the city of Ramadi , up to 80% were distributed to all the joints of residential buildings and government institutions and infrastructure. 
    More than 32 thousand housing units in thecity of Ramadi , the center alone , which is completely destroyed and some of which is inneed of rehabilitation in addition to government departments, schools and streets , as well as neighborhoods that have become need to redesign because of the devastation that distorted her features. 
    Nasser Abdullah Mahimid (52 years), who lives pristine neighborhood, says that " the procedures and laws do not apply to everyone fairly and table on which lay not include everyone, since twenty days and I waited League for the detection of Dare completely destroyed and they know that the neighborhood where I live has been completely destroyed , but that the Commission does not deal impartially with all the files provided. " 
    He adds Mahimid" very slow committee work and is does not have a sufficient number of customized cars to transport specialists to assess the damage and this is punctuated by favoritism, mediation and affect the achievement of citizens who stand in long queues day waiting for their transactions. " 
    He also says , " I see some people Atkvlon transfer of members of the committees private cars to detect sites and this is definitely a negative impact on the integrity of these committees and thus possible to rob other citizens who are forced to wait rights. " 
    within the framework install all the entitlements of citizens conservative management has created three headquarters of the compensation Commission within the judiciary within three breakers in the neighborhood of nationalization south of the city and the center of the city of Ramadi and another at the edges and thepreparation of a form of compensation for houses and furniture is populated by citizen is given a special number are audited through which the compensation section. 
    Ibrahim bramble, Mayor of Ramadi District and chairman of the compensation Committee points out that " the committee in charge of assessing the damage in Ramadi District began its work early May 2016 and received in which more than 17 thousand request special compensation residential role only according to our estimates we expect to receive more than 50 thousand request for compensation after the return of families completely. " 
    He adds bramble that" the Committee was able to detect three thousand requested by the competent committees came to see the field the requests of citizens task and by (30-50) applied daily be handled within 60 engineers and specialists from all ministries and full-time work with the compensation Commission, accurate and professional mechanism of action and we are proud for that we have made ​​in the completion ofthree thousand treatment within one month , contrary to expectations plotted plan , which was seeking to accomplish thousand treatment a month. " 
    and it confirms that the local government in the city of Ramadi dealt seriously with the file of compensation ,but the central government has not allocated the necessary funds for the moment except for the allocation ofsome minor amounts that do not exceed one million dollars at best to bring life to the main circuit in the city.As that initial estimates that we have to compensate for the residential building owners in the south and center of Ramadi , North side of the island area between (2-4) maximum billion. 
    Taha Abdel Ghani, a member of the Anbar provincial council, pointed out that " the provincial council Gad overcoming difficulties in front of the citizens , which is working hard to provide all the means necessary to accomplish the greatest number of citizens requests through an increase in working hours and increase thenumber of specialized personnel. " 
    adds Abdul Ghani" at a time when all requests achievement in the city of Ramadi , be it either by the local government and the cooperation of citizens and the allocation of funds necessary will be in front of theprovince five years of continuous work at least for the reconstruction of the city. " 
    economic expert Bilal Ibrahim points out that" the destruction of the city of Ramadi , specifically the cities of the province in general is very large, the city of Ramadi , which is the county seat and confronted certainly is the need to exaggerated massive reconstruction and estimated amounts which exceeded 15 billion dollars may be logical , but the provision in light of the economic crisis is a major challenge for local and central government and perhaps even the donor countries. "

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