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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Sabri: a meeting with the delegation of the Kurdish Abadi is a positive step to resolve the dispute

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Sabri: a meeting with the delegation of the Kurdish Abadi is a positive step to resolve the dispute  Empty Sabri: a meeting with the delegation of the Kurdish Abadi is a positive step to resolve the dispute

    Post by Rocky Mon 27 Jun 2016, 4:27 am

    [size=30]Sabri: a meeting with the delegation of the Kurdish Abadi is a positive step to resolve the dispute between Kurdistan and the center[/size]
    27/06/2016 09:44 | Number of Views: 81
    font size: [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Direction Press Special /
    Dr. Saad al-Hadithi, spokesman for the prime minister's office said the prime minister Haider al-Abadi met in his office last Saturday, a Kurdish delegation from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the movement of change to discuss political and security developments in the country.
    Sabri said in an interview for "direction Press" that the Kurdish delegation presented a project for dialogue to solve the problems outstanding between the federal government and the government of Iraqi Kurdistan.
    He pointed out that the meeting between Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and a delegation of Kurdistan has been reached through a common vision based on the adoption of dialogue as a means to overcome differences between the two parties and stay away from unilateral decisions on issues that make up the controversial points.
    He added that the meeting also touched on the coordination of efforts between Baghdad and Erbil for the liberation of the city of Mosul from factions terrorist Daash, in addition to placed its oil wealth and the mechanism of production, export and distribute equitably among Iraqis, expressing hope that this meeting will be a positive step in moving beyond the crisis between Baghdad and Erbil.
    It is said that the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the Movement for Change has concluded, on 17 May last, composed of 25 articles of the Convention for the unification of the Kurdish political ranks and confront the crises facing the Kurdistan region.
    Article 13 of the Convention issues concerning relations between the KRG and the federal government that "states parties agree on the need to provide adequate solutions to the problems between the province and the federal government for solutions through dialogue and on the basis of national and national interests."

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