BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq , the President of the British Labour Party , Jeremy Corbyn aformal apology for the war in Iraq, and I am indebted to the thousands of lives of innocent Iraqis ,he said, expressing regret for what he called a "disastrous decision to give permission for military action in Iraq in 2003 by the President the then British Minister Tony Blair.onql site Holly newspaper Corbin after meeting the families of British soldiers who have died in the Iraq war , "I am sorry for the decision to catastrophic give permission for military action in Iraq in 2003 by thenBritish Prime Minister Tony Blair . " He added Corbin that "politicians and political parties todevelop stronger by acknowledging their mistakes and face them and now I apologize on behalf of my party to the resolution disastrous to go to war in Iraq Aanm 2003 . " He continued , "I owe anapology in the first place , the Iraqi people have lost hundreds of thousands of lives while still thecountry live the consequences the devastating war and the forces unleashed by because they paidthe price for the disaster the most serious in 60 years of foreign policy ".owasal" I also owe anapology to the families of those soldiers who died in Iraq or who returned to the country , injured or unable to have done their homework but in a conflict that was not It should be sent to him. "