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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Ebadi presides over a meeting of the Ministerial Committee on Energy

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Ebadi presides over a meeting of the Ministerial Committee on Energy Empty Ebadi presides over a meeting of the Ministerial Committee on Energy

    Post by Rocky Thu 14 Jul 2016, 3:05 am

    [ltr]Ebadi presides over a meeting of the Ministerial Committee on Energy[/ltr]

     Since 13/07/2016 18:22 pm (Baghdad time)
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]
    [ltr]BAGHDAD - balances News[/ltr]
    [ltr]Chaired by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Wednesday, a meeting of the Ministerial Committee on Energy.[/ltr]
    [ltr]According to a statement received / balances News /, a copy of it, that "the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi chaired, on Wednesday, a meeting of the Ministerial Committee on energy was discussed during the meeting the electric power and provide citizens with the development of electricity with high temperatures through increased production and the importance of maintaining the electricity system during programmed and emergency maintenance. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]He added, "It was also found on the functioning of the experience to provide a number of areas in Baghdad with electricity for 24 hours with the adoption of smart new metrics and collection and proven through the comfort of the citizen to provide electricity to him and reduce consumption at the same time and get rid of the purchase of electricity from private generators confirmation the circulation to the area as soon as possible. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]The statement continued, "The Committee followed the directions and decisions made and implemented a number of topics listed on the agenda and decision-making, including the financing of a project streams of Diwaniyah big clearing tables and Alambazl for the spread of a pest flower Nile supplies cleaning Lake Habbaniyah (IDP compound in Habbaniyah)." Ended 29/9 P[/ltr]

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