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    Jubouri put to parliament three options for resolving the absences member file

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Jubouri put to parliament three options for resolving the absences member file Empty Jubouri put to parliament three options for resolving the absences member file

    Post by Rocky Sun 17 Jul 2016, 9:21 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
     [size=13]Since 17/07/2016 13:47 pm (Baghdad time)[/size]
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    BAGHDAD balances News
    Asked House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, Sunday, to parliament three options for resolving the absences member file.
    He said a parliamentary source / balances News /, that "al-Jubouri put three options on the parliament to resolve the absences of them members of the Presidency Council to take action directly against the member who Gaabathm exceeded the limit set on the basis of the legal data and in accordance with its terms of reference file."
    He added, "The second option includes the display of names on the board directly to take the necessary decision based on the data Gentlemen Board decisions regarding third option total, referral to the Committee on the affairs of the member and the Legal Subcommittee to make its final recommendations included around."
    He pointed out that "the House of Representatives voted for the third option included referral to the Committee on Legal Affairs and member of the Committee." It ended 29 / P / 40/4 e

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