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    Central Bank warns of a jolt in the Iraqi economy

    Admin Assist
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    Central Bank warns of a jolt in the Iraqi economy Empty Central Bank warns of a jolt in the Iraqi economy

    Post by Rocky Thu 30 May 2013, 7:42 am

    Central Bank warns of a jolt in the Iraqi economy

    Published in: 8:20 am, May 30, 2013

    BAGHDAD (Iba) ... CBI expressed dissatisfaction with the procedures followed by the Supreme Judicial Council to call a number of senior staff, warning of a jolt in the Iraqi economy as a result of this resolution.

    The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank and the Agency Abdul Basit Turki said in a statement addressed to the Supreme Judicial Council received the independent press (Iba) ... "It is by virtue of our legal and professional offer you the perspective of the central bank and lack of satisfaction with the measures taken with regard to bringing in a number of heads of the Board of Directors and managers of Commissioners the banking sector without there being a move to any complaint against them by the bank. "

    Turkish and added that "the result is that we fear the fact that it leads to confusion among those papers believe بتقصيره and among other men proved their dedication and seriousness in support of the Iraqi economy and were keen to professional reputations in light of the volatility of the circumstances and the diversity of temptations."

    The Turkish that "the best full was in the previous period is an attempt to repair and restoration and overcome the mistakes and try to keep الطارئين for this sector of the parasites, users and owners profit regardless of its source," adding, "It was not the central bank envisaged in the lawsuit brought before the courts and that have not seen them unfortunately So far, no suit, but the trim this sector. "

    He pointed out that "the central bank continues to audit all transactions and all the banks in cases where estimated that the offense had to be presented to the judiciary will not hesitate about it."

    He said the central bank governor that "recent decisions issued by the bank like بالعامة for banks to require the presentation of their documents on transactions entered window sell the currency (auction) without the presence of the issue inevitably from the Central Bank Multi wish you personally and your esteemed making the right decision to stop now and investigate the source according to the mechanisms Supported by you in particular. "

    He warned the Turkish Supreme Judicial Council, that "such a decision could lead to a shake in the economy and inappropriate to attract foreign investment and encourage," Msttrd that "transforms our efforts are all in the field of rehabilitation and construction of this sector to a mere resolutions approaching revenge."

    He emphasized that "this hurts business man, fair and efficient, which are filled with their corridors of Iraqi banks now more than what hurts the abuser or manipulated in order to" Mbenna "We are banking sector pending إجراءاتكم of the this regard." (End)

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