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    Auto industry stopped importing from Iran because of customs and forced to lay off contract employee

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Auto industry stopped importing from Iran because of customs and forced to lay off contract employee Empty Auto industry stopped importing from Iran because of customs and forced to lay off contract employee

    Post by Rocky Sun 24 Jul 2016, 2:45 am

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    Auto industry stopped importing from Iran because of customs and forced to lay off contract employees

    bgdad / Muhannad Jawad 

    Izzat State Company for Automotive Industry under the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, on Saturday, stopped importing Iranian car two months ago for the coverage of tax tariff of 15%, leading to lower production too much, as called for "not equal" in the private sector and reduce that percentage by or exemption thereof, confirmed that it Youmay have to lay off a number of contract employees and orientation for the production of large trucks to compensate Khosartha.oukal General manager Adnan Ahmad Razin, in an interview to the (long - Presse), " the company stopped importing Iranian car two months ago after the imposition of customs duties on import by 15%," denying "the existence of a formal decision to stop the import of those cars to poor quality" demure . he added, " the tariffs have led to a decline in the company 's production during the first half of the year 2016 to 1500 car after it was many times that in the past years", they returned it . " improper inclusion of thecompany in that proportion of customs duties , similar to dealers of the private sector. " 
    He continued demure, that" the company's correspondence with the General Secretariat of the Council ofMinisters was formed a joint committee to resolve the problem , either by excluding them from such fees or reducing imposed on it , "likely not to get agree to reduce those fees or the company , including an exception. " 
    the demure, that" the company will be forced to lay off a series of contracts totaling 1,500 staff being based on self - financing to cover its payroll. "

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