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    Accountability Act collide salaries Baathists and "Fedayeen Saddam" and the fate of the body

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    Accountability Act collide salaries Baathists and "Fedayeen Saddam" and the fate of the body Empty Accountability Act collide salaries Baathists and "Fedayeen Saddam" and the fate of the body

    Post by Rocky Wed Aug 03, 2016 5:20 am

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    Accountability Act collide salaries Baathists and "Fedayeen Saddam" and the fate of the body

     BAGHDAD / Wael blessing 

    May allow a new amendment to the law "accountability and justice", to be put to thevote next week in the House ofRepresentatives, obtaining some of the"Fedayeen Saddam" on pensions. 
    It is hoped that the recent amendment allows to pass the law without opposition from Sunni forces, waiting for " a Shiite pledge" took him vs. pass "ban the Baath" law , which was passed earlier this week. 
    However, the differences continuing on the fate of "the accountability," and expand the number ofbeneficiaries of pensions, elements of the former regime devices. 
    the sound of the House of Representatives, on Saturday, on the law . " Baath ban , "while decided to include the " accountability Act "at the hearing next week after he finished the second reading. 
    the MP said Ahmed Massari, the head of the coalition forces, in his intervention during the meeting, said that" modifying the law of accountability is very important being a political agreement for the formation of laws government. " 
    prompted the Shiite law of parties (Baath ban) in response to the (justice and accountability), which was part of the paper 's political agreement, which was formed on the light of the government of Haider al - Abadi in September 2014 
    and decided the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies, in February 2015, to postpone the discussion of ( thelaw of accountability the ban on former Baath Party) - was then named this Alchukl- until further notice, due to the size differences on some of its clauses. 
    and included a draft of the new law, 22 articles, on behalf of (project justice and accountability Act) after thelifting of the phrase (and banning of the Baath) from the old draft, which is considered by coalition forces ,"otherwise it is important." 
    the six Sunni ministers had refused, in February 2015, passing amendments (ablation Act) within the Council of Ministers, because of fears of becoming a "trap" to punish opponents of the government on charges ofbelonging to the Baath Party. 
    the coalition forces - the political umbrella for the year in Iraq hopes to be canceled Act (accountability and justice) in full, is being converted into a court file, and not put extension in the law provides for banning of theBaath Party , "without clear controls." 
    the final draft of the accountability law provides for the replacement of body the current accountability and justice, and the problem in accordance with the Law No. 10 of 2008, another of the same name, according to a new law, and the movement with all the rights and previous commitments and former employees as well. 
    proposals for new and 
    no longer put the law of accountability, even has the final settlement in the parliament, which led to the pass Act (Baath ban.) 
    reveals MP Mohammed Naji, a member of the reconciliation committee and parliamentary accountability, that the committee has taken some of the proposals on the law, most notably the "raising exceptions." 
    confirms Naji, in connection with the (range) yesterday, he said that "raising exceptions also came the desire of MPs years objected to the large number of officers and soldiers in the army and police who have returned to their posts because of these measures. " 
    but a member of the reconciliation committee, accountability says that" the problem that may arise in the way of legislation accountability Act relating to pensions , "pointing to" the desire of coalition forces to expand Thenumber of beneficiaries who were part of the former regime devices, including those belonging to theformation of the Saddam Fedayeen. " 
    he continues , Nagy said , " National Alliance blocks can not give each associate to this device dissolved pensions ", but asserts that the committee is considering a proposed retirement grants for students or officers or employees who transferred It is mandatory to Saddam Fedayeen device. 
    as the reconciliation committee is facing another problem in estimating the value of the salaries of some Baathists, and select the previous degree of functional. As MP for Bader bloc says that "some Baathists turned-director general or deputy minister because of his affiliation to the Baath and we did not resolve to give him a salary to any degree." 
    Fate " of the accountability . " On the 
    other hand continues to Shiite forces reject the solution , "the accountability", which is one of the main thedemands of the coalition forces. He says the reconciliation committee member , said the "body problem according to constitutional article 135 , which indicates that the body be resolved by the end of its tasks." 
    Naji and asserts that "the accountability front of her files and documents of many for consideration, and will not be resolved until she come and say that it completed its work, or to provide definitive list of names covered by their actions. " 
    demanding Sunni forces determine the timeframe so that the Authority provide a final list of associates of the Ba'ath Party, that these items are not modified or removed after that. 
    He says MP Mohammad Naji the Sunni parties estimated one - year period to end the work of theCommission. Which is rejected by the Shiite forces, because they fear that "passes Baathist legal accountability procedures did not apply to him or ban the party." 
    Commitments to the rule of law in 
    return indicate MP triumph Jubouri, a member of coalition forces, said the faction will vote on the law ofaccountability with the proposed amendments on the fate of (body accountability), and other changes demanded by the alliance. 
    confirms al - Jubouri, in an interview with the (range), that "Ali al - Adeeb, Head of State of law bloc in parliament, vowed to coalition forces by passing the accountability Act." 
    but MP Ali al - Badri, head of the Dawa Party , bloc - the organization of the interior, confirmed that " thepledge made ​​a display of law to a vote and not to pass it ." 
    He says al - Badri, told the (range), " the deputies coalition forces , who withdrew in the vote on the Baath law banning session, returned after receiving assurances." 
    confirms National Alliance member , he said , "those assurances included a pledge to put the law ofaccountability and justice on the session agenda to a vote next Tuesday." 
    but MP Badri does not see that the bill will face rejection likely that "are some of the amendments put then passes after that."
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