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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Babel: Financial will pay dues companies operating in the province in two ways

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Babel: Financial will pay dues companies operating in the province in two ways Empty Babel: Financial will pay dues companies operating in the province in two ways

    Post by Rocky Sun 07 Aug 2016, 7:00 am

    Babel: Financial will pay dues companies operating in the province in two ways

    1:02:00 8/7/2016 | (Voice of Iraq) - Babylon announced the province of Babylon , the management, the Sabbath, that the Finance Ministry has completed all technical matters pertaining to dues operating in the province companies, indicating that the payment of those benefits will be in two ways. The first deputy governor of Babylon and Sam Aslan Jubouri "The Ministry of Finance has completed all technical matters relating to financial receivables for companies that have implemented projects in the province of Babylon. " Jubouri said that" the payment of those benefits will be through the distribution of 50 percent of the benefits in the form of negotiable in Iraqi banks more than 61 billion Iraqi dinars in the amount of exchange bonds, while will be repaid the other half in the form of cash. " the governor of Babylon Sadiq meaning Royal, announced in (20 March 2016), the presence of 200 projects laggard in the province because of the failure to provide the necessary funds to complete it . 

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