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    As MLB reportedly seeks Biogenesis suspensions, scandal looms larger than BALCO


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    As MLB reportedly seeks Biogenesis suspensions, scandal looms larger than BALCO  Empty As MLB reportedly seeks Biogenesis suspensions, scandal looms larger than BALCO

    Post by Neno Wed 05 Jun 2013, 8:01 pm

    As MLB reportedly seeks Biogenesis suspensions, scandal looms larger than BALCO

    22 hours ago

    This is worse than BALCO. That is not easy to do, seeing as the
    single-season and all-time home run records fell on account of Victor
    Conte's doping program that fed performance-enhancing drugs to baseball
    players of all manner and variety. But it is. It is much worse.

    The Biogenesis scandal that has ensnared baseball is more painful and
    embarrassing and harmful because it happened in the supposed
    post-Steroid Era, when Major League Baseball's drug policy was supposed
    to eradicate PEDs from the game. That was a fanciful notion to begin
    with, of course, but now that ESPN is reporting Biogenesis mastermind Tony Bosch is ready to flip and tell the league about Ryan Braun and Alex Rodriguez
    and upward of 20 others to whom he supplied his wares, it is the
    greatest evidence yet that this policy has failed – and, moreover, that
    any policy is bound to fail.

    Back when Barry Bonds was juiced to the gills, when steroids and
    amphetamines were every bit as prevalent as aspirin and coffee, there
    was at least a defense: It was, by baseball's definitions, legal. The
    ethics certainly were debatable, as were the moral implications, but
    don't let revisionist history fool you: Baseball not only didn't care
    about its players juicing, its post-strike ascent was built on their
    acne-covered backs.

    As MLB reportedly seeks Biogenesis suspensions, scandal looms larger than BALCO  20130603_kdl_bs5_032-0bbe1b6ae8a5a23cc233f777a7ed943cBrewers outfielder Ryan Braun has denied receiving PEDs from the Biogenesis clinic. (USA Today Sports)Think about the players involved with Biogenesis. There is Braun, who has been tested every year he has been in the major leagues.
    There is A-Rod, who was caught testing positive in 2003 and still had
    the hubris to seek out more. There is Jesus Montero, who was 16 when MLB
    instituted its PED policy. On and on you can go, deeper and deeper into
    the list, asking each time: Is the money really that good or is MLB's
    message really not good enough?

    The answer: Yes.

    When hundreds of millions of dollars are there for the taking, of
    course somebody is going to fall prey to those extra zeroes and do
    whatever necessary to get those checks, especially when the
    disincentives are so poor. A 50-game suspension? Or 100, which the
    league may seek for Braun and A-Rod? Come on.

    If more than 20 guys are willing to do it – almost an entire major league roster's worth of players – that says everything.

    Still, baseball's attempted prosecution – and persecution – of those
    connected to PEDs is an unabashed failure, the league's version of the
    War on Drugs. The pursuit has been noble, certainly, a reaction to the
    public anger that stemmed from BALCO as well as the knowledge that
    nearly two decades of baseball were suffused with drugs. At the same
    time, the single-mindedness of it has so demonized PEDs that a scandal
    such as this, where it's obvious that they're still as prevalent as they
    are, blows up that much larger.

    As MLB reportedly seeks Biogenesis suspensions, scandal looms larger than BALCO  20130413_jla_ae5_468-c6674304474f3e0dbb00ede885492c1eAlex Rodriguez reportedly could face a 100-game suspension from MLB. (USA Today Sports)This
    is baseball's Pyrrhic victory. For every step forward it takes –
    catching players who used via testing and ferreting out Melky Cabrera's
    fake website and being the first professional sports league in America
    to institute random HGH testing – MLB is simply walking toward a river
    of its own making. Sports, by their nature, encourage doing anything
    necessary to win. That is why this fight never will be won.

    It can be mitigated and controlled. The target of 100 games for Braun
    and A-Rod – 50 for using, 50 for lying – is a lofty one, and it's
    certain to incur the wrath of the MLB Players Association. Think about
    the union's perspective: For all this time, MLB has painted Tony Bosch
    as a low-life, a pissant faux doctor who was nothing more than a
    sleazeball. And now it wants to trust him, of all people, and mete out
    perhaps 1,000 games of punishment?

    By camping out investigators in Miami and pursuing Bosch so
    fervently, MLB has shown a willingness to wage all-out war against the
    union. For nearly 20 years now, the sport has seen labor peace. Finding a
    middle ground here on an issue so black and white to the league may
    cause the sort of fissure that doesn't portend well for the sport writ
    large going forward.

    Yes, this is worse than BALCO because MLB wanted everyone to believe
    we wouldn't be having these types of conversations anymore, that huge
    pockets of players wouldn't be so stupid as to still do this when the
    stench and stigma of PEDs linger. The league underestimated those who
    play its games.

    Unlike those, when it comes to baseball and drugs, there are only losers.

    Related coverage on Yahoo! Sports:
    Ryan Braun's name listed in Biogenesis records
    MLB sues Biogenesis clinic
    Gio Gonzalez passed post-Biogenesis drug test

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