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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Macgork heals my papers, "Sunni" and puts support for the "Western" Region precondition for a return

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Macgork heals my papers, "Sunni" and puts support for the "Western" Region precondition for a return Empty Macgork heals my papers, "Sunni" and puts support for the "Western" Region precondition for a return

    Post by Rocky Tue 16 Aug 2016, 4:24 am

    [size=37]Macgork heals my papers, "Sunni" and puts support for the "Western" Region precondition for a return to normal[/size]

    BAGHDAD - A Journal News 
    as a coalition leader united Osama Najafi seeks to oust the current parliament Saleem al -Jubouri and the nomination of those close to him to the post, informed sources revealed thatthe mediation led by US special presidential envoy in the international coalition against al Daash, Brett Macgork to pick up papers Forces Union and the return to normal .
    And told sources (Journal News), said that "Macgork held secret meetings with the head of a coalition united Osama Najafi and Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, individually and head of the Islamic Party, Iyad Samarrai, in order to improve the atmosphere between the labor union blocks, especially after mutual accusations that broke out between al-Obeidi and al-Jubouri in a session interrogation. "
    The sources pointed out that "Macgork told the leaders of the Union forces 
    that division and fragmentation witnessed by Sunni House, will not be in their best interest and the future of their areas during the coming period.
    He showed that Obama's envoy threatened to withdraw support for the US administration and its sympathy with the cause of the Sunni region unless the settlement of disputes and the closure replace the President of the Parliament of ignoring accusations Obeidi file.
    He noted that the president of a coalition united reduced mobility led inside the coalition forces in order to change the speaker of parliament, especially after he was nominated "Izz al-Din State" and "Ahmed electrodes" for the presidency of the parliament, rather than al-Jubouri, pointing out that "there are other candidates, most notably Adnan al-Janabi, Salah al-Jubouri and Mohammed Tamim ".anthy 4
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