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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Fayad: speeding up read the oil and gas law that would yellows crises between the center and the reg

    Admin Assist
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    Fayad: speeding up read the oil and gas law that would yellows crises between the center and the reg Empty Fayad: speeding up read the oil and gas law that would yellows crises between the center and the reg

    Post by Rocky Tue 16 Aug 2016, 4:31 am

    [size=30]Fayad: speeding up read the oil and gas law that would yellows crises between the center and the region[/size]
    16/08/2016 09:58 | Number of Views: 370
    font size: [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Direction Press / Baghdad
    According to a member of the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary Ali Faisal al-Fayad, that the next stage requires speeding up read the oil and gas law and agreed upon in order to reset the crisis passed between the center and the region and an end to the controversy raging. "
    He stressed Fayad said in a statement "the trend Press" obtained a copy of it on "the need for a serious steps by the new administration of the Ministry of the Minister of Oil and cadres technical and administrative Fayad, calling the political blocs to put an end to disputes over oil and gas law."
    He said, "The law was passed under the dome of the Council will end the futile dispute between Baghdad and Erbil, particularly in relation to the export of oil and contracts concluded by the region with international companies."

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    Admin Assist
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    Fayad: speeding up read the oil and gas law that would yellows crises between the center and the reg Empty Fayad calls to speed up passing the oil and gas law to solve the problems between the center and the

    Post by Rocky Tue 16 Aug 2016, 6:38 am

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    Fayad calls to speed up passing the oil and gas law to solve the problems between the center and the region

     called on the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary member to speed read the oil and gas law and passed during the current stage to resolve problems between the center and the region.
    A member of the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary Ali Faisal al-Fayad said in a statement received by the (independent) announced today that "the next stage requires speeding up read the oil and gas law and agreed upon in order to pass the reset crises between the center and the region and an end to the controversy raging."
    Fayad stressed "the need to pursue serious steps by the new administration of the Ministry of Oil and Minister of technical and administrative cadres."
    He called al-Fayad, the political blocs to "put an end to disputes about the oil and gas law, especially since passed under the dome of the Council will end the futile dispute between Baghdad and Erbil, particularly in relation to the export of oil and contracts concluded by the region with international companies." (End)

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    Admin Assist
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    Fayad: speeding up read the oil and gas law that would yellows crises between the center and the reg Empty Parliamentary Energy calls to speed read the draft oil and gas law

    Post by Rocky Tue 16 Aug 2016, 6:56 am

    [size=48]Parliamentary Energy calls to speed read the draft oil and gas law

    August 16, 2016

    [size=14][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Our economy / Baghdad

    The Commission on oil and energy parliamentary, to speed read the oil and gas law and passed during the current stage to resolve problems between the center and the region, stressing that taking serious steps from the new oil minister in this regard, demanding political blocs to end disagreements on this law.
    Said committee member Ali Faisal al - Fayad said in a statement received by the agency of our economy News, a copy of which, " The next phase requires a read speed up oil and gas law and agreed upon in order to reset the crisis passed between the center and the region and anend to the controversy raging."
    Fayad stressed " the need to pursue serious steps by the new administration of the Ministry of Oil and Minister of technical and administrative cadres."
    He called al - Fayad , the political blocs to "put an end to disputes about the oil and gas law ,especially since passed under the dome of the Council will end the futile dispute between Baghdad and Erbil , particularly in relation to the export of oil and contracts concluded bythe region with international companies."

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    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Fayad: speeding up read the oil and gas law that would yellows crises between the center and the reg Empty Re: Fayad: speeding up read the oil and gas law that would yellows crises between the center and the reg

    Post by weslin3 Tue 16 Aug 2016, 7:59 am

    ok Wish I had a dinar every time I've heard this... But one of these days...  drunk

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    Fayad: speeding up read the oil and gas law that would yellows crises between the center and the reg Empty Re: Fayad: speeding up read the oil and gas law that would yellows crises between the center and the reg

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