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    Trump vs. Hillary – It’s a No-Brainer


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Trump vs. Hillary – It’s a No-Brainer Empty Trump vs. Hillary – It’s a No-Brainer

    Post by Lobo Thu 18 Aug 2016, 5:49 pm

    Trump vs. Hillary – It’s a No-Brainer

    By Ray Starmann
    Trump vs. Hillary – It’s a No-Brainer Trump-Hillary-700x422
    The current election is historic for many reasons: the Democrats have nominated a woman for the first time to run for the nation’s highest office and a blue collar billionaire has galvanized the Silent Majority and created a modern populist movement of patriots from every corner of society. Meanwhile, GOP Establishment pundits and politicians plot and scheme to sabotage the election without any thought of the consequences.
    Hillary Clinton has at least 75% of the media on her side, doing whatever they can to help her. The liberal media is collaborating with the Clinton Campaign in a grandiose Maskirovka, psy ops campaign the KGB would have envied. Deception is the order of the day. Polls numbers are inflated or completely concocted. The slightest off color comment by Trump is jettisoned out at light speed to leftist trolls in the social media world. Any negative information about the Clinton Foundation, the Email Scandal, Benghazi and the women Bill Clinton has raped and molested is buried within minutes.
    Rumors of Hillary’s horrendous health issues, including petit mal seizures, bizarre facial expressions, losing track of her thoughts, falling, fainting, forgetfulness and referring to Trump as her husband are all brushed off as part of that Right Wing Conspiracy that has seemed to follow Hillary around since the day she was fired from the Watergate Committee for immoral behavior.
    This election is historic, but it is also a no-brainer.  If you want four to eight more years of the Obama Administration’s disastrous policies, by all means, vote for Hillary Clinton. If you want a President who could be worse than Obama, vote for Hillary Clinton.
    If you want a congenital liar and a crooked narcissist as President, by all means, vote for Hillary Clinton.
    If you want someone who is beholden to globalists like George Soros and the criminal Establishment, by all means vote for Hillary Clinton.
    If you enjoy watching the downfall of America, by all means, vote for Hillary Clinton.
    If you think a crumbling VA system that allows vets to die waiting for health care is just fine, by all means, vote for Hillary Clinton. If you want the VA privatized, which would allow vets to visit any doctor of their choice, vote for Donald Trump.
    If you want a President who will shut down the coal industry and squeeze the domestic oil and natural gas industries, forcing the nation to rely on foreign energy, by all means, vote for Hillary Clinton.
    If you want a President who refuses to release the texts of her Wall Street speeches, where she was paid millions, by all means, vote for Hillary Clinton.
    If you want a President who will allow Obama Care to continue with its unaffordable premiums, by all means, vote for Hillary Clinton.
    If you want a President who will dump the gargantuan government education nightmare called No Child Left Behind and put education power back in the hands of schools and school districts, vote for Donald Trump.
    If you want a President who meets regularly with members of an anarchist, communist organization called Black Lives Matter, by all means, vote for Hillary Clinton.
    If you want a President who can’t even say the words Radical Islamic Terrorism and who will continue Obama’s weak war on terror, by all means, vote for Hillary Clinton.
    If you want a President who will destroy ISIS and radical Islam, vote for Donald Trump.
    If you want a US military that is weak and drowning in political correctness and social engineering, by all means, vote for Hillary Clinton. If you want a strong military that will deter our enemies across the world, vote for Donald Trump.
    If you believe that 97 million Americans out of the workforce, 47.5 million Americans on food stamps, and 49 million Americans living in poverty is the sign of a strong economy, by all means, vote for Hillary Clinton.
    If you want to bring back American jobs and renegotiate our trade deals, vote for Donald Trump.
    If you want open borders and unlimited illegal immigration that puts our country in danger, destroys American jobs and lowers wages, by all means, vote for Hillary Clinton.
    If you want to open America’s doors to hundreds of thousands of undocumented Muslim refugees from countries that support terrorism, by all means, vote for Hillary Clinton.
    If you want a President, who as Secretary of State created a chain reaction of disaster in the Middle East: in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt and Libya, by all means, vote for Hillary Clinton.
    If you want a President, who as Secretary of State sent and received classified information on a non-secure server, thereby causing grave damage to national security and putting US intelligence assets in mortal danger, by all means, vote for Hillary Clinton.
    If you believe in the Second Amendment and the God given right to bear arms, vote for Donald Trump. If you want to surrender your guns and freedom and turn America into a nationwide version of Chicago, by all means, vote for Hillary Clinton.
    If you believe in late term abortions, vote for Hillary Clinton. If you want the ghouls who run Planned Parenthood to continue receiving federal funding, by all means, vote for Hillary Clinton.
    If you want the United States to evolve into Sweden on Steroids, vote for Hillary Clinton.
    If you want three new Supreme Court judges to be radical leftists, by all means, vote for Hillary Clinton.
    If you want a President who only cares about the greater good of herself and her bank account, vote for Hillary Clinton. If you want a President who cares about helping the American people, vote for Trump.
    It really is a no-brainer, isn’t it?

      Current date/time is Sun 06 Oct 2024, 5:54 pm