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    US newspaper: With the defeat Daesh disputes Washington's allies resurface

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    US newspaper: With the defeat Daesh disputes Washington's allies resurface Empty US newspaper: With the defeat Daesh disputes Washington's allies resurface

    Post by Rocky Sun 21 Aug 2016, 4:08 am

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    US newspaper: With the defeat Daesh disputes Washington's allies resurface

     translation term 

    The absence of strong leadership to Washington, Shiite Kurdish American partnership against Daesh began to intervene in a quarrel between them. US presidential race is rising and with it comes the statements and promises, but the solutions offered by Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to resolve the unrest problems in the Middle East and the war on Daesh that will not succeed unless the United States resolved alliance networks in the region known as America 's friends real. 
    It 's a job that needs quick attention of the President next, the candidates and special monitoring the recent deadly clashes between Kurdish Peshmerga forces and the popular crowd developments. 
    US allies brandishing arms against each other, and this may reveal the fragile global coalition against Daesh.The Kurdistan region of Iraq ally old and trusted the United States, where their friendship began after the1991 Gulf War , after the United States imposed a no - fly zone in the region. It 
    was not the United States friends in Baghdad, Damascus and Tehran, but Iraqi Kurds embraced America and they were grateful to her because she rescued from Saddam. Since then , the Kurds of Iraq have proved loyal allies and stability in their region helps disabled disputes. 
    However Kurds today are stuck between America is pro - Kurdish ambitions allies in the independence and the relationships growing with the army Alomirka.alahjmat the Kurdistan region is not new, violent conflict isbetween Turkey The PKK led to the Turkish border campaigns within the territory of Kurdistan. And ended the conflict thanks to the peace process , pushing out President Massoud Barzani, but the conflict is back again in 2015 led to renewed bloodshed and displacement of thousands of people. 
    Another interesting tensions are popular crowd forces that have - air cover from the United States - cleared the important areas of the Daesh , where the spread of these forces in the areas already recovered from theKurds Daesh led to clashes claimed the lives of a number of Peshmerga. The recent Iranian shelling on themountains of Kurdistan under the pretext of targeting a Kurdish armed group caused more panic. 
    Clashes killer among US allies also crept beyond the borders of Iraq, into Syria. There are units of the Popular Defence Kurdish considered essential partner for America in the fight Daesh. However, the direct affiliation to the PKK and its coordination with the regime of Bashar Assad held the US - backed efforts to clear areas occupied by Daesh on the Turkish border. 
    As the devastating blockade of these units on the other Kurdish political factions prevents the return ofthousands of seasoned fighters wishing to join the fight against while losing Daesh territory, the historic rivalries between the various members of the coalition of anti-Daesh float on the surface. The United States could save relations between key allies by re politically engage in the Middle East and to prove there isno alternative to American leadership. In 
    view of the relationship of Turkey 's powerful Kurds in Iraq, America must throw its weight behind both allies for a cease-fire urgently and the return of the two parties - the Labour Party Kurdish and Ankara - to the talks in Erbil. To prevent clashes in the future to respect the Kurdistan Regional Workers ' Party and its obligations to establish good neighborly relations by withdrawing its forces. The next US administration also insert stability in a new peace with Iran and promote a balance between regional powers factors. 
    In Iraq, there must be a political effort to calm Arab Kurdish tensions. Given the number of US troops in Iraq, the next US president may study the deployment of advisers in this hot sensitive areas. In the long run, it isAmerica 's interest to support the independence of Kurdistan and allow him to play a greater role in resolving the conflicts in the region. This would have created a convergence between the allies of the United States and ensures the survival of Iraqi Kurdistan , a beacon of stability. 
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