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    Iraq is losing $ 5 million a day at the site of Customs northern Diyala

    Admin Assist
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    Iraq is losing $ 5 million a day at the site of Customs northern Diyala Empty Iraq is losing $ 5 million a day at the site of Customs northern Diyala

    Post by Rocky Mon 22 Aug 2016, 4:19 am

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    Corruption and smuggling customs point yellowish Diyala
    Iraq is losing $ 5 million a day at the site of Customs northern Diyala

    Author: HS 
    Editor: BK 08.21.2016 21:00 Number ofViews: 2049 

    Long-Presse / Diyala
    It revealed to the Security and Defense Committee in the Iraqi Council of Representatives, on Sunday, for the loss of Iraq's $ 5 million per day because of rampant corruption in the yellowish Alkmarki site great district, north of Diyala, and accused the workers at the site to "facilitate the infiltration of terrorists and car bombs," the province and on to Baghdad, confirmed the formation of the security authorities a commission to investigate what is going on at the site.
    This came during a press conference, Chairman of the Committee, of quitting, this afternoon, at the point of Customs yellowish, (70 km north of Baquba) City, and attended (range Press).
    He Zamili, if there is a "manipulation and corruption of administrative and financial operations by the security authorities responsible for customs officers on the zero point," returned to "the ongoing dealings and concern for those responsible for the customs point of financial matters led to the infiltration of terrorists and bring them car bombs to Diyala province, including of the capital Baghdad. "
    He revealed Zamili, for "the formation of the security authorities a commission to investigate what is happening in the zero point," pointing out that "the customs yellowish point if they had worked around properly provided financial revenues for the government exceeds five million dollars a day, assuming the entry of five thousand large truck, although the number more than nine thousand a day because it is the only port after the closure through Mosul. "
    He called Zamili, security leaders in Diyala province, the need to "follow-up ever online security elements to protect and regulate traffic and taking into account the conditions of the citizens and open more than one corridor to facilitate their passage," stressing that "would approach those responsible for the provision of a large yard where the safety and security conditions for truck drivers who suffer from being available large harassed up to verbal abuse and insults by some employees at the customs point. "
    The representative of Diyala in the form of the popular crowd, Uday Alkhaddran, revealed in (the 27 of July 2016), the existence of operations of a major corruption in the yellowish customs point on the road between Baghdad - Kirkuk, controlled by security leaders and influential elements, while among the expected amounts from the point of up to about 400 billion dinars, not received by the local and federal governments, he stressed that point leased per hour $ 30 thousand dollars.

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