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    Napkins boy" trial raises discontent over social networking sites

    Admin Assist
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    Napkins boy" trial raises discontent over social networking sites Empty Napkins boy" trial raises discontent over social networking sites

    Post by Rocky Mon 29 Aug 2016, 3:40 am

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     Baghdad / AFP 

    The decision by an Iraqi court boy convicted ofstealing cans tissues prison, popular discontent led some to the comparison between this provision and the acquittal ofsenior officials of corruption. Court ofSamawah, the largest city in the southern province of Muthanna, a few days ago and sentenced to prison for a year for a boy , aged 12 years in prison for the theft of several boxes of tissue paper. The issue has raised wide reactions in social networks. He also criticized the government representative of the religious authority , Grand Ayatollah Ali al - Sistani in his Friday sermon in Karbala yesterday, describing as "unjust." 
    Said Karbalai "If stole Sharif whether from public funds or from vulnerable people who may eat their money unjustly taking advantage of his position, left him." "Either if stole weak and may be stolen to eat or wears or buy medicine or to make a living, and we do not justify theft (...), all the force of law apply to it strictly." 
    He said a representative reference "those who have their hands law enforcement or sitting in the elimination sites , observe Sharif or fear prevailed, or fear of his party or his armed group, but they do not care for theweak and fear because not sway him, Vitbakon the law and punish it . this hit from injustice. " 
    wrote activists on Facebook" eradicate governing the kid stole four cans wipes the paper from the shop, is thesame one that exonerated the politicians who stole billions and fled money and circumvented the law. " 
    She described the human rights activist Hanaa Edwar decision of the judiciary as" ridiculous. " She said that "thieves who sit in power are supposed to be tried for their poverty and corruption in the country, not the child whose age does not exceed 12 years." 
    She Ador "required the trial of the corrupt in power, not the kids who need to rehabilitate and embrace programs." 
    The pay the rule of eliminating some of the activists on social networks to compare the incident with the novel "Les Miserables" by Victor Hugo. Said Ali Adnan in this context that "this injustice much like the novel Les Miserables, the same injustice. Did not ask the judge himself why stolen? Is it rich, or poor, and if he is poor? From brought this child into this situation?" 
    "We were looking at this novel as a fantasy, but , unfortunately , we see realized in our time . " in turn ,Yasser al - Saffar said that" the children stole Tissue box imprisoned years, and thieves stole half of Iraq took innocent. " Al - Saffar and refers to a series of mutual accusations between the country 's politicians, most recently accusing former Defense Minister Khaled al - Obeidi , the parliament speaker Salim al - Jubouri , and members of the House of Representatives of being behind the corrupt deals. 
    Wrote activists on Facebook "eradicate governing the kid stole four boxes tissue paper from the shop, it is thesame as that exonerated the politicians who stole billions and fled money and circumvented the law. " And connects activists child incident to interrogate al - Obeidi , who parliament to withdraw confidence from him last week. 
    He was al - Obeidi accused during the interrogation session before parliament this month , al - Jubouri and deputies others of extortion and corruption, prompting Prime Minister Wahid al - Abadi to claim the judiciary toopen an investigation. 
    He asked al - Jubouri timely lift his immunity and that 's what happened, and went straight to the judiciary ,which issued a very quick decision after achieving not exceeding 40 minutes, declaring acquitted al - Jubouri. 
    he highlighted the accusations made ​​by the al - Obeidi , al - Jubouri , is an attempt to get hold food processing army. The contract value to a trillion and 300 billion dinars (more than a billion dollars), according to the Minister of Aldvaa.oather the uproar caused by the case of the boy, the resumption of Muthanna Court issued a clarification confirms that the boy stole the store owner four times, and that the primary provision can be Tan.oroy Observers say the judiciary tried to ease the wrath of the people, especially since he suffered a wave of harsh criticism in social networks after the acquittal of senior officials.

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