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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Streams of Babylon proceed with the rehabilitation of 24 pumping stations in the neighborhoods of al

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Streams of Babylon proceed with the rehabilitation of 24 pumping stations in the neighborhoods of al Empty Streams of Babylon proceed with the rehabilitation of 24 pumping stations in the neighborhoods of al

    Post by Rocky Mon 29 Aug 2016, 3:48 am

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    Streams of Babylon proceed with the rehabilitation of 24 pumping stations in the neighborhoods of al-Hilla in preparation for the winter

     Babylon / long-Presse 

    It announced the streams of Babylon Directorate, on Sunday, to embrace the implementation of thecampaign for the maintenance and rehabilitation of 24 pumping stations distributed in underserved neighborhoods in the city of Hilla, while confirming that it will guarantee the continuity of its work in thecoming winter season in the shadow of the financial crisis in the country and its repercussions on the services sector. 
     The director streams of Babylon Mohamed Zkm, in an interview to the (long - Presse), " the directorate embarked on the implementation of its plan for the maintenance and rehabilitation of pumping stations 24 distributed to neighborhoods of the city of Hilla, (100 km south of Baghdad), in preparation for the season next rain." 
    promised Zkm that "maintenance systems sewage in underserved neighborhoods is an important step to ensure the continuation of its work in the coming winter season , "adding that" the financial crisis through which Iraq has negatively affected the work of the department and caused interruption of project streams Hilla great. " 
    for his part, the media streams , director of Babylon , Hussein al - Janabi said in an interview to (long -Presse), said that " the maintenance plan and rehabilitation include maintenance of the mechanical and electrical system of the stations 24 and connect the backup generators at each station and clean the basins of the sediment at depths ranging from three to seven meters, and is equipped Guatts different electrical discharge cards in order to avoid sudden stops during work in the future." 
    the serviced networks sewage and sanitation area ratio in the province of Babylon , its city of Hilla, amounting to 12 percent, and sewer Directorate count on re - work the draft streams Hilla big, stalled for work because of the financial crisis, and that the cities of the province has long been drowned by the rain in the coming seasons . 
    it was the first deputy governor of Babylon and Sam Aslan said in an interview to the (long - Presse), in ( the14th of April 2016), that the federal government has agreed to the inclusion of draft streams Hilla great stalled work now because of financial distress, among payment on credit projects.
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