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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Washington: Trade with Baghdad amounted to $ 2.6 billion in 2016

    Admin Assist
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    Washington: Trade with Baghdad amounted to $ 2.6 billion in 2016 Empty Washington: Trade with Baghdad amounted to $ 2.6 billion in 2016

    Post by Rocky Thu 01 Sep 2016, 3:25 am

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    Washington: Trade with Baghdad amounted to $ 2.6 billion in 2016

     BAGHDAD / Acer Jabbar 

    Revealed the US Embassy in Baghdad, on Wednesday, to trade achieved with Iraq since the beginning of this year until the month ofAugust now reached more than $ 2.6 billion. 
    The spokesman said the US Embassy in Baghdad spokesman Kim Dboa, in aninterview with (long - Presse) , that " thebilateral trade exchange between Iraq and the United States in 2015 produced a value of $ 6.6 billion ,including an Iraqi imports worth $ 4.57 billion, crude oil form 97% of them , " noting that "US exports were valued at 1.97 billion dollars, which were concentrated in Kberaly heavy machinery, vehicles , electrical equipment, aircraft parts, cereals parts. " 
    he added Dboa that" in terms of trade for the current year it since the beginning of 2016 until the present month of August, the bilateral trade exceeded between the two countries of 2.6 billion dollars , "pointing out that" Business US led by the American Chamber of Commerce , which has re - work recently sector hasexpressed great interest in investing in Iraq in non - oil sectors. " 
    He continued Dboa that" the embassy noted the commercial private sector 's interest in investment opportunities including security, energy and the environment, construction , health care, agriculture andreligious tourism sectors and infrastructure development major , "stressing that" Iraq also imports large quantities of agricultural goods, machinery and consumer goods from the United States. " 
    He explained Dboa that" the embassy will help to introduce US businesses to the Iraqi market and to provide official invitations between governments in the business of US framework and provide excellent services through the Commerce Department for the purpose of contributing to find local partners in Iraq and assist in the resolution of trade disputes and understand the laws and regulations governing trade between the United States and Iraq , "noting that" the embassy does not affect the investment of the private business sector or choose to work in Iraq . " 
    and on the vulnerability of the economic trade activities between Iraq and the United States on the Iraqi economy, Dboa stressed that" American institutions, for example , competes largely on bids energy sector ,which significantly affect the commercial activities between the two countries as the United States isencouraging trade growth bilaterally between the two countries. " 
    the US ambassador in Baghdad , Stuart Jones announced on Tuesday (10 March 2015), that the trade exchange between Iraq and the United States totaled more than $ 16 billion at the time, confirmed that more than seven billion of them Iraqi exports, with He attributed the absence of his big companies in the Iraqi market to work with local agents, he pointed out that Washington is looking to expand its relations "strategic" with Baghdad.
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