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    Health Professions Syndicate in Muthanna intersection of health and accuses it of "exclusion"

    Admin Assist
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    Health Professions Syndicate in Muthanna intersection of health and accuses it of "exclusion" Empty Health Professions Syndicate in Muthanna intersection of health and accuses it of "exclusion"

    Post by Rocky Thu 01 Sep 2016, 3:46 am

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    Health Professions Syndicate in Muthanna intersection of health and accuses it of "exclusion"

     Muthanna / long-Presse 

    Decided to Health Professions Syndicate in Muthanna province, on Wednesday, theprovince 's health preservation and lack ofcooperation with the Department until thechange the current management, while accusing the "exclusion by directing insults and punishments to employees of the health professions," the local government demanded to "change the administrative structure for the health of Muthanna because "poor performance." 
    said captain health professions in Muthanna Hilal Hassan province in an interview (long - Presse) that " thehealth of Muthanna circle trying to exclude health professions slice of all sources of the administration 'sdecision and try to end the spirit of partnership between the health and medical professions pursued by our district many years ago with various successive administrations, as well as inflicting a lot of injustice towards the current owners dimensions of health and medical competencies or thrown out areas of investigative flimsy goal. " 
    Hassan added, that" provide aggressive and revenge and directing insults and punishments to employees of the health professions and to pursue curriculum aggravate the problems rather than solve them and use some who owns part of the administrative decision certain administrative function to follow the approach of anti-personnel makes it more constricting and complex and turn professional to disputes tribal and personal. " 
    the good, the" union of health professionals in the province of Muthanna decided the current administration County health Department Muthanna all kinds of cooperation and not to deal with her ​​while changing thecurrent administration , "adding that" the cadres of health professionals representing more than 70% of thetotal angel of health in the province of Muthanna. " 
    He called captain health professions, local Muthanna government to" change the current management of thehealth of Muthanna as soon as possible and choose a professional management takes it upon themselves tosolve all irregularities and problems with the current management and keep the spirit of hostility between employees and seek to refrain from pushing their employees to the conflict and personal animosities between them or to incite some to others and not to allow any employee owns part of the administrative decision to make personal use or personal benefit. " 
    the province of Muthanna, and status of the city of Samawah, has seen more than a sit -in for a slice health professionals to no avail. 
    also saw many Iraqi provinces, including the capital city of Baghdad, over the past years, the demonstrations and to stop a protest of several health professionals to claim the allowances for them , including theallowance of infection calculated and radiation, overtime and Alkhvarat similar to their counterparts of staff, threatened to organize a sit - open in the event of failure to meet their demands.
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