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    Country Bans Islam And Demolishes All Mosques, Take A Look At The Results


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Country Bans Islam And Demolishes All Mosques, Take A Look At The Results Empty Country Bans Islam And Demolishes All Mosques, Take A Look At The Results

    Post by Lobo Tue 06 Sep 2016, 3:00 pm

    Country Bans Islam And Demolishes All Mosques, Take A Look At The Results - LOOK AT THE LAST PICTURE - IT IS DEARBORN, MICHIGAN
    Posted by Martin Walsh | Sep 4, 2016 | National Security
    Country Bans Islam And Demolishes All Mosques, Take A Look At The Results Radicalmuslim5_1-2
    Violent Radicals Acting Violently When They have Been Banned From A Country
    There aren’t many countries on this planet that resemble the United States. Not necessarily in size, but rather in the way that we cherish freedom, conduct government, and take measures to keep our citizens safe. In case you are unaware, Angola is located in the central southern portion of Africa and is about double the size of Texas. They resemble the United States in that we both operate under three branches of government: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.
    A story ran in late 2013 indicating that Angola banned Islam and destroyed all mosques in the country. While the story has remained quiet in the United States, it was a huge move that has saved that country. You may not have ever heard about this because Obama refuses to admit that Radical Islam is seeking to destroy America and he wants everyone to believe that Islam is welcome in the United States. Hillary Clinton believes that, too.
    Country Bans Islam And Demolishes All Mosques, Take A Look At The Results Hillary-quote-islam
    Let Us Never Let Her Forget That She Took This Stance
    Angola took these precautions as a means to stop radicalization, the spread of terrorism, and to protect its citizens, and they have yet to report a terrorist attack since 2013. That is a fact, and something worth paying attention to. Local papers, such as La Nouvelle Tribune, observed that a minaret on an Angolan mosque had been removed previously. Also, in the small city of Zango, not far from the capital of Luanda, government officials reportedly destroyed a mosque.
    “The process of legalization of Islam has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights,” Cruz e Silva said. “Their mosques would be closed until further notice.”
    The ban, which includes an order to destroy all mosques in the country, has allowed the country to live much safer, and without the worry of a jihadi with a suicide vest running into their public square. Bento Francisco Bento, governor of the country’s Luanda province, has declared that radical Muslims are “not welcome in Angola.” “This is the final end of Islamic influence in our country,” added Angola’s President José Eduardo dos Santos. He also added that this religion is insatiably violent and will lead to the destruction of mankind if it is allowed to spread.
    Country Bans Islam And Demolishes All Mosques, Take A Look At The Results Religion-peace-islam-obama-democrats-politics-1344561014
    Islam Is NOT A Religion Of Peace
    According to the CIA’s World Factbook, the people of Angola are mostly a mix of local tribes. There’s a very small minority of Europeans. There’s also a healthy 22 percent representation from ethnic groups called “other.” About 50 percent of the people in Angola practice indigenous religious beliefs. Roman Catholics make up 38 percent of the population. Protestants make up 15 percent. The point is that all other religions are welcome to prosper, because they are not violent or fuel terrorism like Islam.
    Just to add some background, Angola’s population of 16 million is predominantly Christian, with only 80,000-90,000 Muslims, the majority of whom are migrants from West Africa and families of Lebanese origin, according to the US State Department. The crackdown on Islam comes as Christians in the Middle East are being forced from Muslim countries. Terrorists attack Christians, or nonbelievers, and that is a similar issue for both Angola and the United States. The difference is that Angola has taken steps to decrease the problem whereas Obama and Hillary continue to increase the problem.
    Former Israeli Ambassador to the US Michael Oren noted in 2012 that the Christian population in the Middle East dropped from 20% a century ago to 5% currently amid ongoing persecution of Christians by Muslims. Oren noted in Egypt 200,000 Coptic Christians fled their homes in 2011 amid anti-Christian violence during the “Arab spring” uprising. Particularly in Africa, analysts have commented that Islamist forces have been killing and expelling Christians largely with negligible international criticism.
    Country Bans Islam And Demolishes All Mosques, Take A Look At The Results Brandishing-banners-saying-Sharia-is-the-true-solution-freedom-go-to-hell-Muslim-protesters-met-Mr-Wilders-outside-Houses-of-Parliament
    Think This Won’t Happen Here? This Is Dearborn, Michigan
    Open Doors  indicated earlier this month that there were an estimated 2,123 “martyr” killings documented this year, but that number could be much higher given that they cannot document all cases. The one glaring fact that emerges from this report is that the overwhelming majority of Christian persecution around the world today is being committed at the hands of Muslims. Imagine if Hillary Clinton wins this election. Experts have indicated after her first term, she will have brought in nearly 1 million refugees from the Middle East. Imagine if she served until 2024.
    Mosques are used as terrorist recruiting grounds, Islam is violent, and Allah tells all of his jihadi’s to behead all Christians and nonbelievers. The United States should never stand for that or allow that to be present in our communities. Share this if you want Trump to win this election and follow in the footsteps of Angola. We need safety in this country now more than ever, not 1 million more potential terrorists running around trying to behead people for their religion. We have to take this country back, and it starts by securing our borders and not taking in millions from the Middle East.

      Current date/time is Sun 19 Jan 2025, 6:58 am