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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Obama: the provocative actions of North Korea will have serious consequences

    Admin Assist
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    Posts : 277821
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Obama: the provocative actions of North Korea will have serious consequences Empty Obama: the provocative actions of North Korea will have serious consequences

    Post by Rocky Fri 09 Sep 2016, 7:06 am


    Obama: the provocative actions of North Korea will have serious consequences

    [rtl]History of edits:: 9.9.2016 10:15 • 72 visits readable[/rtl]
    Obama: the provocative actions of North Korea will have serious consequences Story_img_57d2617e07b32
    [Oan- up] 
    US President Barack Obama said on Friday that any provocative acts by North Korea would have "serious consequences", after Pyongyang conducted a nuclear fifth try.

    He said White House spokesman Josh Ernest said US national security adviser Susan Rice briefed Obama on theUS presidential plane occurrence of seismic activity near the nuclear test site in North Korea early on Friday. 
    Obama reiterated the US commitment to hard security of its allies in Asia and all over the world. 
    North Korea announced a nuclear test, described by state television as "successful." 
    Korean Ministry of defense and South considered that this nuclear test is " the strongest to date to North Korea compared with all the previous ones, as equivalent to the explosion of about 10 kilotons power. 
    synchronized South Korean advertising with earthquake monitoring strongly 5.3 degrees near the site ofBiongaa- Ri North Korea 's nuclear test, according to the American Institute for geological monitoring. 
    this is the fifth nuclear test conducted by North Korea, and was most recently in January.
    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277821
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Obama: the provocative actions of North Korea will have serious consequences Empty North Korea carried out "the most powerful" nuclear test caused by an earthquake of 5.3 degree

    Post by Rocky Fri 09 Sep 2016, 7:07 am


    North Korea carried out "the most powerful" nuclear test caused by an earthquake of 5.3 degree

    [rtl]History of edits:: 9.9.2016 9:32 • 136 visits readable[/rtl]
    Obama: the provocative actions of North Korea will have serious consequences Story_img_57d256685178a
    [Oan- up] 
    North Korea conducted a nuclear test, described by state television as "successful" and considered its neighbor Seoul that this experience " a provocation."
    South Korean Defense Ministry considered that this nuclear test is " the most powerful to date , " North Korea compared with all the previous ones. 
    The South IAEA Korean citing an official at the ministry that Seoul considers that the "force of the explosion equivalent to about 10 kilotons, it is the most powerful explosion carried out by North even today. " 
    the news agency Yonhap on Friday quoted a government source as saying that Seoul" strongly indicates "that North Korea be held just nuclear fifth try. 
    coincided South Korean advertising with earthquake monitoring 5.3 degrees strongly near the site of Biongaa- Ri Korean the North 's nuclear test, according to the American Institute for geological monitoring. 
    this is the fifth nuclear test conducted by North Korea, and was most recently in January.

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 7:42 pm