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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Al-Awadi: The government is bankrupt and are unable to age liberated areas

    Admin Assist
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    Al-Awadi: The government is bankrupt and are unable to age liberated areas Empty Al-Awadi: The government is bankrupt and are unable to age liberated areas

    Post by Rocky Wed 21 Sep 2016, 6:23 am

    Al-Awadi: The government is bankrupt and are unable to age liberated areas

    # Algmehorah_uz

    He stressed National Alliance MP, Firdous al-Awadi, the need for the international community recognizes Bouktoh, and bears responsibility for the reconstruction of all the liberated areas of Conception Daesh terrorist gangs.
    She said Al-Awadi said in a statement, "The international community has contributed in terms of knowing or not knowing Bastvhal Daesh terrorist in Iraq and the region, by ignoring all of Iraq warnings of this organization," calling for "Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to invest its presence in the meetings of the General Assembly of the United Nations and that the international community's demands to assume all reconstruction funds liberated areas of this organization. "
    She explained, that "by the time Iraq was crying out to the world in Aban sit-ins and platforms humiliation in Anbar that Iraq and the region will plunge the swamp of terrorism from these events, the great powers prefer to listen to political Doaash and began calling for Iraq to achieve the demands to stop these protests despite viewed own eyes banners of al-Qaida on poles platforms these platforms. "
    And increased al-Awadi, that "after these countries is satisfied that leads these demonstrations are the terrorists, slowed and even blocked supply Iraq with weapons to cope with this organization, to open the way for a group of regional states to implement Alzioomriki planned Beyade Saudi Arabia - Turkey - a country," indicating that "countries big world did nothing until they have reached terror to their own backyard, and now began looking for the achievements of its termination after the heroes of the Iraqi armed forces and the popular crowd harvesting Aldoaash is amazingly fast. "And it promised, "This is sufficient reason that Iraq does not pay a penny for the reconstruction of these areas, and calls for the international community to shoulder Abadi-life expenses."

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