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    Hakim dispel concerns "partners" was approaching acceptance of the terms of the chest to return to t

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    Hakim dispel concerns "partners" was approaching acceptance of the terms of the chest to return to t Empty Hakim dispel concerns "partners" was approaching acceptance of the terms of the chest to return to t

    Post by Rocky Thu 29 Sep 2016, 3:01 am

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    Hakim dispel concerns "partners" was approaching acceptance of the terms of the chest to return to the "Shiite House"

    BAGHDAD / Wael blessing 

    It is likely that the National Alliance agrees to the terms of the Sadrists 14, set by theexchange for a return to the Shiite House. The Sadrists boycotted the National Alliance meetings since demonstrations last April. He described al- Sadr Shiite alliance as a "stain", and accused him of corruption and protection shows reforms. To return to the National Alliance, the Sadrist movement demanding formed by a mass of "cross-sectarian , " and not having a government positions. 
    In the meantime, see the deputies from the wise bloc that "mass cross" do not conflict with the cohesion of the "National Alliance", stressing that the latter for Inoue "exclusivity" decisions and hit the political partners. 
    The alliance of the Iraqi forces have expressed fears recently of recent al - Hakim 's remarks, warning replace the partnership as the "dictatorship of the majority." 

    between the coalition and the block cross 
    during his speech to the General Commission of the National Alliance, said al - Hakim that " the Alliance is thelargest bloc "stressing the importance of " converting numerical majority to a majority decision. " 
    but MP Amer Al - Fayez, a member of a coalition of citizen, says that" al - Hakim intended decision within the DFI of the National alliance, and not political decisions or vote on the legislation in the House ofRepresentatives. " 
    He added Al - Fayez, in a statement to (range) yesterday, the leader of the Supreme Council , "he was talking about the cohesion of the National Alliance, unity, and not to marginalize the General Authority for an alliance, versus private bodies and leading political coalition decisions , " stressing that "al - Hakim said decision shall be a majority." A statement by al - Hakim of the Office, on Monday, that the latter confirmed, during his presidency of the General Authority for coalition meeting, " The Alliance is not a substitute for the government or a competitor condition for the success of the coalition and the government that the relationship is complementary." 
    But he stressed that "the unity of the National Alliance is the goal . " , calling for "everyone 's help in achieving this goal , which flows into the unity of Iraq as a whole , considering that the Alliance is the largest bloc and Pantzamh organized all national arenas." 
    stresses Al - Fayez on " the national Alliance will not go without partners," adding that " the head of theSupreme Council did not back down the idea of cross the block, and that the National Alliance will be the focus of that block. " 
    Hakim was on previous occasions has called, before assuming the presidency of the National Alliance, to create a cluster" cross-sectarian. " Observers believe that al - Hakim took the presidency of the Shiite alliance represents a retreat from his previous positions. Seeks wise to realize the old idea to convert the "National Alliance" into "political institution", not only the nomination of the prime minister only. 
    Refers MP Bloc citizens that " the National Alliance decided to form a committee to write the rules ofprocedure , " and expressed his belief that " the rules of procedure will solve the problem choosing the head of the alliance, which recess after the 2014 elections for more than a year. " 
    He revealed al - Hakim, in the last conference , which was interrupted by the Sadrists, a bid for the National Alliance for the development of its rules of procedure in line with the imperatives of the stage and its requirements. He also hoped the wise "return" of the Sadrist movement to fill the position in the alliance. 

    Terms of the Sadrists 
    and the form of the Sadrist movement, recently, a negotiating committee with the leadership of the National Alliance of the body in order to resume the mass return to the coalition meetings. The 
    committee is headed MP Jaafar al - Moussawi, who serves as vice president of the political body the Sadrist movement, and the membership of Zia al - Asadi chairman of the Liberal bloc in Parliament, as well as the Minister of construction and housing former Tariq Kikhany, Sheikh Sabah al - Saadi. 
    reveals MP Hussein Awad, a member of the Liberal bloc, all received the National Alliance 14 points presented by the current leader, Muqtada al - Sadr, in exchange for a return to the coalition National. 
    and most conditions, Awad explained, in connection with the (range) yesterday, said that " the current condition of the formation of a transient mass-sectarian, and not getting the National Alliance on positions in the government." 
    He said Sadrist lawmaker that " the leader of the Sadrist required to have coalition supervisor of the process the appointment of ministers and officials under the terms of technocrats and efficiency, and that the block be for all Iraqis. " 
    declared al- Sadr, last Friday, conditions for participation in the upcoming elections. Stressing the need for theformation of a transient bloc quotas, and changing the electoral commission, which he described as "politicized", and change the election. 
    He said al- Sadr practically outside the coalition Alhiei, after the withdrawal of his political bloc of thegovernment and parliament, after storming his supporters the House of Representatives and the offices of thegovernment last April. 
    The chest has participated for the first and last time has held a meeting of the National Alliance leaders in thecity of Krblane, Almadi, early March following the announcement of the second - Abadi reforms package. But al- Sadr has decided to escalate later to call for a sit -in near the green and demonstration near the gates. 
    Commenting on the chest conditions, the Attorney Messenger Abu Hasna, a member of the State of Law, said that " the terms of the Sadrists is not impossible, and the coalition is close to accepting it." 
    Confirms Abu Hasna, in an interview ( range) yesterday, " The Sadr movement will return to the National Alliance, and the conditions on the actual choice of ministers and the process of reform." 
    a member of the state law , the last meeting of the National Alliance as "successful , " attributing the decline in attendance was estimated by 60% to technical reasons. 
    he said Abu Hasna "some deputies in the provinces, have not been notified, and others could not be arriving for their preoccupation with other issues , " attributing the absence of al - Maliki on the meeting that " themeeting was political and public body, and Maliki is considered one of the leadership members of the Alliance, and did not require his presence."

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