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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Vice him: the National Alliance understands the demands of the Sadrist movement for Government Refo

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Vice him: the National Alliance understands the demands of the Sadrist movement for Government Refo Empty Vice him: the National Alliance understands the demands of the Sadrist movement for Government Refo

    Post by Rocky Sun 02 Oct 2016, 3:41 am

    [size=30]Vice him: the National Alliance understands the demands of the Sadrist movement for Government Reform[/size]
    02/10/2016 09:35 | Number of Views: 423
    font size: [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Direction Press / special
    National Alliance MP Mohammed Allkash said, today, that the parties to the coalition understands the demands of the Sadrist movement, raised at the last meeting of the Political Commission and in the presence of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi for Government Reform.
    Allkash In an interview with "Radio direction." He explained that the National Alliance is seeking to implement reforms to save the country and as the biggest bloc, and will be launched to other alliances such as the alliance forces and the Kurdistan Alliance for the proboscis situation after the defeat Daesh in Mosul to build a civil state modern state of institutions in which the Justice and Equality applied between members Iraqi people.
    Among Allkash nine important files from the priorities of the National Alliance completed during the next phase, which was put forward by Mr. Ammar al-Hakim during his accession to the presidency of the National Alliance, of which the legislative file in the light of some important laws that are relevant and contactless lives of Iraqi citizens as well as the government's reforms, ministries and bodies crashes managed by proxy, adding that the third file regards the security file will be and what action to take after the liberation of Mosul and file of the popular crowd, as well as the economic file.
    It is said that the National Alliance, was held Friday, 30.09.2016, a meeting attended by various political mass, including the Sadrists, who recently suspended his participation, and the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, where the coalition will discuss the overall emergency political, security and economic issues in the country.
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