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    A parliamentary security accuses customs officials to "excessive luxury" and confirms the existence

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    A parliamentary security accuses customs officials to "excessive luxury" and confirms the existence  Empty A parliamentary security accuses customs officials to "excessive luxury" and confirms the existence

    Post by Rocky Wed 05 Oct 2016, 2:51 am

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    A parliamentary security accuses customs officials to "excessive luxury" and confirms the existence of corruption in the work of ports

     Basra / peace Khazaal 

    Revealed the security committee ofparliamentary, on Tuesday, about the presence of corruption and disorder in thework of border crossings, and accused the officials of the customs luxury excessive lack of legal accountability, confirmed the report to the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi in this regard to the implementation of border crossings law. 
    The head of the security and defense committee in the House of quitting at a press conference on thesidelines of a tour of the port of Umm Qasr within the border crossing points and attended (range Press), he said that "there are flaws in the work of the land and sea ports and supposedly managed to collect themoney, but unfortunately this does not happen as well as the existence of corruption clear the money. " 
    He Zamili to" the existence of a ship and reached the port of Umm Qasr , loaded with Indian rice contaminated and who is not fit for human use , "pointing to" the presence of actors and politicians (did not identify) are trying to make themselves above the law. " 
    He accused Zamili one customs managers Basra as "overly luxurious for the lack of accountability , " explaining that he "owns a luxury car with a modern model and lives in the most luxurious hotel in Basra while the real salary, he can not live that one night in this hotel." He asked Zamili about " the extent of the gains that accrue to this manager , " stressing that "will report to the Prime Minister the need to implement border crossings Act and the dimensions of the corrupt them." 
    For his part, Chairman of the Committee of border crossings in the Basra Governorate Council Murtaza lipodeca said during accompany him Zamili that "Steamboat rice docked in the port of Umm Qasr has been fogging Alanbar No. 1 twice without interest, where there are live insects diagnosed laboratory, and that any health consequences later caused by eating citizens of rice in Alanbar mentioned borne by the Ministry ofCommerce , "noting that" the prime minister and others regulatory them imposed tight control over the Ministry of Commerce. " 
    lipodeca stressed that" the House of Representatives voted on border crossings law, but it was not enforced, while must be done to organize the work in the land and sea border crossing points, and the order for us tocorrupt and negligent accounting more effectively. " 
    revealed Commission integrity in the Basra Governorate Council, Sunday (October 2, 2016), about the presence of insect caused "rot" in a shipment of rice " of poor quality" imported for the Ministry of trade, while indicated that they are waiting for laboratory testing for decision, called for because this is done tomaintain a guarantee to get faster results. 
    the province of Basra owns several land and sea border crossings, as has five active commercial ports frequented by dozens of foreign ships per month, and most important port of Umm Qasr, while only land Safwan between Iraq and Kuwait in the province port is located, also it includes Shalamcheh port wild with Iran actually within the administrative border to spend the Shatt al - Arab, and is seeking local government since the middle of last year to establish a border port Barre another with Iran is located within the boundaries of hand holes, and the province is also a border port Joey receives daily foreign and domestic flights for passengers.
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