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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Abdul Salam al-Maliki: Chapter current legislation will pass a lot of important laws in line and und

    Admin Assist
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    Abdul Salam al-Maliki: Chapter current legislation will pass a lot of important laws in line and und Empty Abdul Salam al-Maliki: Chapter current legislation will pass a lot of important laws in line and und

    Post by Rocky Tue 18 Jun 2013, 8:02 pm

    Abdul Salam al-Maliki: Chapter current legislation will pass a lot of important laws in line and understanding 

    Published in: 11:21 pm, June 18, 2013 Editor: ipa 2
    BAGHDAD (Iba) .. The MP expressed the rule of law Abdul Salam al-Maliki expressed optimism the beginning of the last legislative term of life of the current Parliament, believing that this chapter will pass a lot of important laws broken political consensus between the political forces after understanding them.

    The MP said Maliki in a statement for "his press office:" It is the duty of the political blocs exploitation of understandings that took place and the atmosphere tranquil positive pass all the important laws and break the ice between the legislative and executive powers in order to provide the maximum amount of services to Iraqi citizens and serve the people and the country.

    He expressed optimism informed first session of the last legislative term at the age of the current parliamentary session, noting that today's meeting painted a road map by which the starting year of new legislative and clear-cut, especially after the adoption of electronic voting would allow freedom for MPs to vote on laws without raising hands, which will free up Representatives at least partly from the political pressure of the mass.

    He said al-Maliki said his bloc announced today ending the boycott of the meetings of the House of Representatives after it was agreed to form a committee to study law criminalizing the Baath Party and will be degree on the agenda of the House of Representatives within 3 days, explaining that there are plenty of other laws the task that was disabled for several reasons and will be included and vote them within the next sessions of the House of Representatives during this chapter, expected to be the last legislative term active chapter will re-activate the role of the parliament through adoption of important laws, which are in the interest of the people.

    He called on all political forces to unite for the success of this legislative term and pass important laws. (End)

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