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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Turkish Prime Minister describes Abadi's remarks "dangerous and provocative too."

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    Turkish Prime Minister describes Abadi's remarks "dangerous and provocative too." Empty Turkish Prime Minister describes Abadi's remarks "dangerous and provocative too."

    Post by Rocky Sat 08 Oct 2016, 4:27 am

    [ltr]Turkish Prime Minister describes Abadi's remarks "dangerous and provocative too."[/ltr]

    [rtl]History[/rtl] of [rtl]edits:: 2016/10/7 15:03 • 231 visits readable[/rtl]
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    [Oan- follow-up] 
    Description Turkish Prime Minister, Ben Ali Yildirim, the statements of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, in which he said that "the Turks that not might think that their presence in Iraq picnic for them" to "serious and very provocative."

    Yildirim said in a statement to reporters in Ankara on Friday, "Who said we are in a picnic, does the military have a picnic? Soldiers performing duties, Vjnodna Daesh face." 
    He added that "such statements seriously and very provocative, Vjnodna did not go today, but they are there for a long time." 
    For his part, warned Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu born Chaooh day of the post [Shi'ite fighters in the operation to flush out Daesh from the city of Mosul. Referring to the popular crowd. 
    Chaooh Ihsanoglu said during a press conference, "This review will not bring peace, but post-trained forces of Turkey are important for the success of the process." 
    He said that Turkey is ready to fully support the process of expelling Daesh stronghold in Iraq. 
    The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said yesterday that the "Iraqi sovereignty is a red line and on Turkey to respect our sovereignty," pointing out that "we do not want to enter into a conflict with Turkey and the Turks thought that their presence in Iraq picnic for them." 
    He pointed Abadi through the top coordinating body for the provinces conference held Thursday in the Baghdad governorate building, "There is no justification for the Turkish presence in Iraq, which is dangerous and the government did not ask for any presence of Turkish troops," stressing that "Iraq in which any foreign power does not exist." 
    And it provided the State Department yesterday a request to the UN Security Council to convene an emergency session to discuss the Turkish overtaking on Iraqi territory. 
    It is said that the Iraqi Council of Representatives voted last Tuesday to the decision to reject the decision of the Turkish parliament to extend the survival of Turkish forces into Iraqi territory [in the northern city of Mosul] Iraqi government and called for consideration of these "occupied and hostile" forces while taking mutatis to deal with them and taking them out of the Iraqi territory if it does not respond Iraqi demands with the demand from the competent judicial authorities by moving the litigation to hold accountable the claimants to enter the Turkish troops and launch support statements and justifying their existence. " 
    In a "flagrant challenge" to the Iraqi sovereignty of the Turkish Prime Minister Ben Ali Yildirim response to the decision of the Iraqi parliament said on Thursday, that remain in Iraq by Turkish forces "and says the Iraqi government Matcol" on them.

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