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    Coalition forces and the Liberals: Re-vice president of the republic is a political decision

    Admin Assist
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    Coalition forces and the Liberals: Re-vice president of the republic is a political decision Empty Coalition forces and the Liberals: Re-vice president of the republic is a political decision

    Post by Rocky Sat 15 Oct 2016, 3:44 am

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    Coalition forces and the Liberals: Re-vice president of the republic is a political decision

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    In favor of a coalition of state law , theFederal Court 's decision to the Vice President of the Republic, saying that the decision isbinding and not subject to appeal , and enforceable by virtue of the Constitution. On the 
    other hand, are skeptical coalition forces and the Liberal block the decision, noting that adecision on the resolution crashes to more than a year demonstrates the existence of political agreements leading up to decision. 
    The Federal Court accepted, on Monday, to appeal the decision issued by the Prime Minister, in 2015, and abolished whereby the position of vice - president of the republic, after more than a year of delay and procrastination. 
    and ended this decision months of political calm, which brought tension to the scene recourse the leader of the Sadrist movement to an unprecedented escalation in protest against the judicial decision. 
    canceled Abadi positions of the three vice - president, Nouri al - Maliki, and Iyad Allawi, and Osama Najafi, part of reforms launched in August 2015. package 
    and himself president of a coalition united Osama Najafi, in November 2015, to challenge the decision of al -Abadi, the Federal Court refused to decide the case, and had to postpone it more than once. 
    The Federal Supreme Court, on Monday, it looked a lawsuit to challenge the decision of the Prime Minister Add your job to abolish the posts of Vice President of the Republic, and found that the presence of one or more deputy President of the Republic is compelled to Article (69 / II) of the Constitution. 
    she said that the abolition of the posts of Vice President of the Republic has been issued contrary to what wasdrawn by Article 142 of the Constitution, shall be contrary to the provisions which provision requires to be unconstitutional. 
    emphasizes the Supreme Court that the abolition of the post of Vice President of the Republic It means amending the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005 to disrupt the provisions of articles (69 / II) and (75 / II / III) thereof without the method provided for in Article 142 of theConstitution, which requires in such a case the absolute majority approval of the members of the House ofRepresentatives on the amendment and present it to the people for a referendum. 
    Commenting on the MP said Khalid al - Asadi, a member of a coalition of state law, that " the evidence of thelegal path and invoke the Constitution in resolving political differences is essential in the political system , thestability of the country." 
    he said al - Asadi, said in an interview to the (long - Presse ), " the coalition supports the Federal Court decisions being binding and not subject to appeal and due execution by virtue of the Constitution , " noting that "regardless of what follows the decision on the return of vice - president of the republic to their office or bring them to resign, the evidence of the legal path and invoke the Constitution in resolving political differences ordered substantially in the political system , the stability in the country. " 
    in a related context , said MP Adel Nouri, a member of the reform front," the government is obliged under theresolution, to pay tens of billions of dollars to the vice President of the Republic, salaries and privileges and allowances for their offices, if disbursement of the right. " 
    said Adel Nouri, said in an interview to the (long - Presse), " the Federal Court could have resolved the issue within a month or two , but less so, as it did on the accusations against the president of the House ofRepresentatives, Saleem al - Jubouri." in 
    turn, MP Abdulaziz Zalmi, a member of the Liberal bloc, said the decision to eliminate "hamper reform efforts," although it "was not a surprise." 
    said Zalmi, in an interview to the (long - Presse), " the decision was not a surprise because the Federal Court already issued several political decisions in a record time, such as those acquitted persons who were accused of extortion , "adding that" the court 's decision will hamper the process of reform demanded by the Iraqi people and their interaction with the prime minister through the elimination of the top positions. " On the 
    other hand , said MP Ahmad al - Jarba, a member of coalition forces, said that" the issuance of the Federal Court ruled unconstitutional the decision , Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi to abolish the posts of vice President of the Republic, after a year and two months of adoption, raises doubts. " 
    He Jarba, in an interview to the (long - Presse), for" fear of the postponement of the court decision until theoccurrence of political agreements certain what constitutes a disaster. "

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