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    Political Day

    Admin Assist
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    Political Day Empty Political Day

    Post by Rocky Mon 17 Oct 2016, 2:25 am

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    Political Day

    9 thousands of Sunni fighters will participate editing Mosul 

    spokesman crowd the popular MP Ahmad al -Asadi, that nine years of thousands will participate in the battle to liberate the city ofMosul within the ranks of the crowd. 
    Asadi said that the "popular crowd troops awaiting the start of the zero hour to participate in the battle to liberate Mosul within the themes identified to them according to the plan established by the joint Specialoperations command. " 
    said a spokesman for the crowd that" there are about five thousand fighters of the minorities in the popular crowd of Christ and Turkmen Aesidein, as well as nine thousand of Sunni tribes that will participate in thebattle, "adding that" Vanguards The crowd of tribal and local Mosul sons will be the first crowd sectors that will participate liberation of the city. " 

    edit Mosul plan surrounded by" secret " 

    Deputy chairman of the Committee on Security and Defence parliamentary Hamid al - Mutlaq, said thecirculation of information flags on the battle of Mosul mere" speculation " is not based on security information official. 
    Mutlaq said that " the joint Special operations command and has long prepared the main and alternative plans for the battle of Mosul and surrounded by the strictest confidence, and leadership did not disclose the types ofweapons or the number of pieces and formations." 
    he said a member of the security committee parliamentary that "what is published by the media of illustrative charts in the form of fees and data, reports and analyzes just speculation , "noting that" the previous battles ,especially in editing Anbar operations have demonstrated that speculations that leaked before the battle error, and was a surprise plans for all. " 

    Iraqi forces and the people , " Hawija "Christrrunha soon 

    called MP from Kirkuk 's Arabs Mohammed Tamim, residents of Hawija and respects its subsidiaries to cooperate with the government forces and reporting elements "Daesh" with the imminent launch ofAltharir.oukal Tamim operations "extend to you my parents call to inform you that the days of the vulva is near and that the vanguard of our heroine , and your sons Saguethmon Hawija soon , " he said , adding "return green Mrabekm and Mzaivkm metropolitan and will rise cries of mothers Victory is coming , ".utalb MP from Kirkuk 's Arabs sons of Hawija and its environs to" consistency in their homes and to cooperate with thesecurity forces and supporting and reporting on Aldoaash Whenever stand fast and Taaontm will decide thebattle quickly and will be our people from the camps , honor. " 

    Prime Minister will attend this week to parliament 

    favored the MP for the coalition of state law , Jabbar al - Abadi, the presence of Prime Minister Haider al -Abadi this week to the House of Representatives to submit candidates for the four ministries vacant. 
    Ebadi said that "it is expected that Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi come to the House of Representatives in session today or another day this week to provide Marchin to fill the ministries of trade and industry, interior and defense. 
    The member of the coalition of state law that " the Kurdistan Alliance did not give up to now no alternative tothe Minister of Finance article Hoshyar Zebari candidate." 

    reject Ambassador alternative "Sabhan" because of his military background 

    student member of the Committee on relations Foreign Affairs in the House of Representatives Khalid al -Asadi, the government and the Foreign Ministry to refuse based Saudi charge d'affaires Abdul Aziz al -Shammari , who was appointed by Riyadh succeed Ambassador Thamer Sabhan who demanded Baghdad replace earlier. 
    Asadi said that " the former Saudi ambassador Thamer Sabhan cause political and security problems during the period of his appointment as ambassador, he was interfered brazenly in internal affairs, sparking Hviztna and worked to expel him to avoid further problems and crises. " 
    he called on al - Asadi of the Iraqi government to" personal appointed by the Saudi government to succeed Sabhan because of his military background refused , "warning that" the al - Shammari copy of former ambassador and cause problems new crises. "

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