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    Basra solve the problem of water desalination project with the British company

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    Basra solve the problem of water desalination project with the British company Empty Basra solve the problem of water desalination project with the British company

    Post by Rocky Tue 18 Oct 2016, 3:23 am

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    Basra solve the problem of water desalination project with the British company

     Basra / peace Khazaal 

    The Board of Basra, on Monday, for a solution to the dilemmas with the British company executing the project water desalination tomaintain, and while pointing to the lack of theprovince 's failure to accept the loan from theBritish government , which has 10 billion pounds, stressed the need to be the work ofinternational companies that serve economy within the federal and local governments contexts. 
    the head of the provincial council in Basra, morning Albzona, during a joint news conference with the acting British embassy in Baghdad, Nick Lata, in theCouncil building, downtown Basra, attended (range press), " the government and local He discussed with theBritish official negotiations between the province and the company eBay and tendon operating in thedesalination project under the British granted Iraq, of about ten billion pounds loan, and an end to theproblems related to its work. " 
    He added Albzona, that" the local government will not reject the British loan and the company executing the project to their need for them and encourage foreign companies that contribute to economic and service to the advancement of Iraq , "adding , " but it must be the work of companies under federal and local government contexts. " 
     for his part, the British diplomat, said that" negotiations between eBay Inc. and tendon and the local government in Basra yielded good results will have positive impact on the implementation of the water project after the demise of the dilemmas on the subject. " 
    the governor of Basra, Majed Nasraoui, announced in February 2016, the potential contribution of British companies are implementing a project of desalination plants to maintain funding from the British loan. 
    the Ministry of Construction and housing , public and municipalities, announced in ( 11th of April 2016), starting the implementation of four water projects in Basra by eBay Inc. and British chord, with funding from the British loan.

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