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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Yazd" Iranian flights to transport visitors than the holy shrines in Iraq to three per week

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Yazd" Iranian flights to transport visitors than the holy shrines in Iraq to three per week Empty Yazd" Iranian flights to transport visitors than the holy shrines in Iraq to three per week

    Post by Rocky Wed 19 Oct 2016, 4:05 am

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    Iranian visitors Najaf International Airport
    "Yazd" Iranian flights to transport visitors than the holy shrines in Iraq to three per week

    Author: HAA 
    Editor: BK 
    10/17/2016 19:07 
    Number of Views: 2181

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    It revealed the Hajj Department in the province of Yazd, Iran, on Monday, increasing the number of flights to the holy sites in Iraq to three weeks, indicating that 14 thousand Iranian pilgrims went to Iraq, by road or by air, during the first half of the current Iranian year.
    The head of the department, Ali Asghar Sharifi, told news agency of Iran, IRNA IRNA, followed up (range Press), "The three flights will be organized to Baghdad and Najaf, to transport visitors the holy shrines in Iraq, and Sundays, Wednesday and Thursday of each week."
    He Sharifi, that "each trip will be transferred three missions a total of 390 visitors from Shahid Sdoukی Airport in Yazd province, to airports in Najaf and Baghdad, and vice versa," noting that "14 thousand Iranians visited holy sites in Iraq during the first six months of the current Iranian year, over 265 flight and 104 wild ride. "
    The Iranian year starts on the 21st of March (the Spring Festival, or Nowruz), consisting of 12 months, each of which consists of 31 days.

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