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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Chaldean Patriarch: The West is responsible for the devastation in Iraq

    Admin Assist
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     Chaldean Patriarch: The West is responsible for the devastation in Iraq Empty Chaldean Patriarch: The West is responsible for the devastation in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Thu 20 Oct 2016, 3:42 am

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    Chaldean Patriarch: The West is responsible for the devastation in Iraq

     Baghdad / long-Presse 

    Download the patriarch of the Chaldeans in Iraq and the world, Louis Raphael I Sako, Western countries responsible for thedevastation of Iraq in general and Christians inparticular. 
    He called Saco to assist in the return ofrefugees to their homes and thereconstruction of their areas, while a student United Nations opened an office to monitor "violation" against Christians, urged the people of component to be filled with "realism and wisdom" and contribute to "strong" building democracy "pluralist civilian state that respects everyone and protects them and separating religion from politics." 
    this came through the participation of Patriarch Sacco, on Tuesday afternoon, in an episode cell crisis Task Force in the German capital, Berlin, entitled "Iraq 's future - minorities", organized by the Konrad Aindawr Foundation Konrad Adenauer, of the Party of the German Christian Democratic Union, also attended by Iraqi activist in the field of human rights, and William Warda, from Hammurabi Organization. 
    moderated their discussions former US ambassador to Iraq, Ryan Crocker , Rayan crocker, in order to develop insights into Iraq to help the new US administration. 
    the Park Sacco, in a telephone conversation with (long - Presse), of Berlin, "starting operations are coming, Nineveh, to liberate Mosul , " and that he hoped to "speed editing Mosul and towns of the Nineveh plain , with the need to preserve the lives of peaceful civilians and their property. " 
    He called on the Saco, Western countries to" assist in the return of refugees to their homes, and to secure areas of conflict, and to provide full protection for them and restore their rights and their property, and tocontribute to the reconstruction of towns, cities and infrastructure repairs and compensation for damages caused to them, and the revival of cultural and religious heritage of the components of all of Iraq , "stressing" the Iraqis ability develop a realistic vision for their future, and fee reform roadmap and overall national development, after the liberation of their land, through civilized dialogue quiet conviction , a national, ethical and political away from the mentality of conflict and revenge, with the help of the international community. " 
    and on the situation of Christians in Iraq, said the patriarch of the Chaldeans in Iraq and the world, he told the participants that" Christians and Yazidis have been subjected to deportation, murder, looting and seizure of their property and marginalization, and a lot of families are still living in camps displacement in theKurdistan region, since more than two years. " 
    He acknowledged Sacco, that" the continuation of this situation threatens the historic Christian presence on their land , "stressing the need to " analysis of Christians and other components of realism and rationalism and wisdom in their applications , especially in these circumstances are not clear - cut, with the importance ofnot standing on the sidelines , or watching, and not to allow deportation to participate, but should engage in the political process and to take responsibility to make a positive change is consistent with the aspirations fateful through dialogue with their partners at home to preserve their rights away from discrimination and intolerance. " 
    He called the patriarch of the Chaldeans, the Christians" to participate strongly in activities seeks to build apluralist democracy and civilian state that respects everyone and protects them citizenship Base one and respect for the rule of law, the basis of peace, equality, freedom and national partnership , "stressing the importance of " separation of religion and politics in Iraq. " 
    felt Sacco, to" encourage Christians to return to their homes and restore confidence require The United Nations and the international community to support , "adding that it" is very useful to open an office of theUnited Nations to monitor for any violation of their rights. "
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