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    Project for amnesty for Mvsola defense and interior

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Project for amnesty for Mvsola defense and interior Empty Project for amnesty for Mvsola defense and interior

    Post by Rocky Sun 23 Oct 2016, 3:15 am

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    Project for amnesty for Mvsola defense and interior

    BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    Description coalition forces on Saturday, thedecision to dismiss some employees of the defense and interior ministries after the tenth of June 2014 events as "unstudied and unprepared." 
    He revealed a draft resolution to pardon them and bring them back to the service, as he emphasized that the resolution currently beingdiscussed within the security and defense committee, noted submission request to the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi to return them. 
    The MP longings Jubouri, a member of coalition forces, during a press conference held at the parliament building and attended (range Press), said that "there is a deliberate and individual and improvisational decisions issued after the tenth of June 2014 events, the right of our fellow employees Interior and defense ministries through the demobilization under various names , such as separation and annulment of the contract and expulsion , "indicating that" most of these associates have a long service extends for more than twenty years, to be rewarded with a swift end and without military courts. " 
    revealed Jubouri for" support a number of members of the House of Representatives to discuss a draft resolution that includes issuing special amnesty for members of these two ministries and bring them back to service , "pointing out that" the draft resolution to be discussed at the security and defense committee. " She called the MP for the coalition forces members of the House of Representatives to "support the draft resolution and the inclusion of everyone," she said , "to apply to the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Haider al - Abadi to support the decision to re - Mufsukh their contracts and expelled and dismissed as arequirement broad public."
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