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    Parliament bans the sale of alcohol and postpone the discussion of "dual citizenship"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliament bans the sale of alcohol and postpone the discussion of "dual citizenship" Empty Parliament bans the sale of alcohol and postpone the discussion of "dual citizenship"

    Post by Rocky Sun 23 Oct 2016, 3:22 am

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    Parliament bans the sale of alcohol and postpone the discussion of "dual citizenship"

     Baghdad / long-Presse 

    Parliament voted, on Saturday, a bill (imports municipalities) , which states prohibit theimport, manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages of all kinds, while preventing disruption of quorum of putting the law "abandon miscible nationality" to a vote. 
    Raised paragraph controversial, upsetting several blocks from the most prominent of the blocks Christianity, which was considered articles of the law contrary to individual rights and freedoms and the principles ofdemocracy ", stressing their intention to appeal to the Federal Court. 
    the voice of the House of Representatives, during its meeting of 24 of the legislative term of the first legislative year , the third headed by Salim al - Jubouri , and the presence of 226 deputies, the draft municipal revenue Act. 
    Under ( Article 14) of the law on "Prohibition and the import, manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages ofall kinds and punished the offender a fine of not less than ten million dinars and not more than twenty - five million dinars." 
    at a press conference in the parliament building and attended (range Press), said the head of the Two Rivers MP Kanna "the House of Representatives voted during its meeting held on Saturday, on imports of themunicipalities Act , which included at the last minute for approval to add a new rule prohibiting the import, manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages of all kinds." 
    and MP we were that "this paragraph of the law contrary to the contents of the article the second constitutional prohibiting any legislation that is inconsistent with the individual rights and freedoms and theprinciples of democracy and guarantees the freedom of the Christian and Yazidi and Sabean religions and Mandaean. " 
    He said the head of the Rivers Add paragraph alcohol ban under Article 14 of the law" unconstitutional ", stressing that " we record our reservations on this paragraph , which reflect a negative image of the country and harm the interests of social classes, and we reserve the right to challenge in federal court. " in 
    turn, the president of the Warka parliamentary bloc MP Joseph Saliwa that" democracy came to be another blow by the Iraqi Council of Representatives after the parliamentary vote on Article 14 of the imports municipalities Act . " 
    he added Saliwa" material contrary to the Constitution in Article II, because they indicate that it guarantees the full religious rights for all individuals to freedom of religious belief and practice, like Christians and Yazidis, and Mandaeans. " 
    the president of the Warka bloc that" the prohibition of alcoholic beverages causes the young people to turn to drugs due to suppression of democratic freedoms after the enactment of this Act. " 
    this comes at a time when the presidency of the House of Representatives decided to postpone the vote on the bill a second time ( to abandon nationality acquired) to Monday 's session. And it attributed the decision to the disruption of quorum after the departure of some members of parliament session hall. 
    The law specifies 12 categories of Iraqi officials requires them to give up their nationality is Iraqi. He revealed Parliamentarians (range) recently announced amendment's parliamentary excludes Representatives of the law, or postpone its application to the next session. 
    In addition, the parliament speaker Salim al - Jubouri said that " the parliament had not received theamendment, conducted by the government to finance the budget law for the next year in 2017, and biographies candidates for the vacant ministries so far , "adding that" the presidency of the parliament hasnot received any new requests to question ministers. " 
    Furthermore parliament voted on the wording of a resolution on the necessary measures from thegovernment to release the abducted Alaesideat and reconstruction of Sinjar were voting majority. He 
    also chairman of the board Representatives formation of a joint committee to investigate the bombing of theWorld Council and the coalition consolation Hosseini Daquq district, south of Kirkuk, while gave it one week to submit its report. 
    in addition, he announced the National Alliance MP Kazem Sayadi, for collecting the signatures of 50 deputies to question the head of the Shiite Endowment Alaa al - Moussawi. 
    he Sayadi, during a press conference at the parliament building and attended by (long - Presse), "has completed all the legal and technical procedures to question the prime Shiite Endowment Alaa al - Moussawi, not having the elements of leadership and management in the state and not having a certificate of study to assume the post , which is the rank of minister." 
    he said a member of Front reform that "there is rampant corruption files in the Shiite Endowment and theUniversity of Imam Kadhim and Awqaf Shi'ite shrines in the provinces , " noting that "the existence of arequest signed by more than 50 deputies to question the Chief of Staff." 
    Sayadi said that "al - Moussawi exchange lists of thousands of bills cost millions dinars to buy honey and Agaymr and meat Almtherom fruits of the Shiite Endowment at a time when Iraq is in a state of austerity ,"pointing out that" the head of the Shiite Endowment did not visit the families of the poor and the martyrs and the wounded security forces and the crowd popular and victims of terrorism and has not interviewed for thestaff of the Bureau. "
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