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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Chaldean Patriarch: civil state capable of building a strong Iraq enlightened

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    Chaldean Patriarch: civil state capable of building a strong Iraq enlightened Empty Chaldean Patriarch: civil state capable of building a strong Iraq enlightened

    Post by Rocky Wed Oct 26, 2016 3:39 am

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    Chaldean Patriarch: civil state capable of building a strong Iraq enlightened

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    Description patriarch of the Chaldeans in Iraq and the world , Louis Raphael I Sako, theblood spilled in Kirkuk recently as "an extension of the fire of the eternal" other force promotes concerted Alkaragokyin and diversity. 
    He called on Iraqis to initiate reconciliation and national "real" and save the religion of extremism and ensure the unity and diversity of civil and state of being will build Iraq factors "strong enlightened." 
    this came in an interview with the Patriarch Sacco to (long - Presse) and a number of media, during aceremony held on Monday evening last, at the Chaldean Cathedral, central Kirkuk, 250 kilometers north of thecapital Baghdad, in the presence the provincial police chief, Brig speech Omar Aref, the archbishop of Kirkuk and Sulaimaniya of the Chaldeans, Archbishop Joseph Thomas, in honor of the Kirkuk police who were able to save 14 student Christian displaced from Nineveh, were trapped in the house the students, near thegovernorate building, during the terrorist attack last Friday, the 21st from October 2016 the current. 
    he said that Sacco "police managed to edit the students displaced and rescued from captivity was a miracle prevented a repeat of the tragic disaster that Alaesideat suffered at the hands of terrorists." He noted that "the Asayish and Peshmerga and the fight against terrorism Dzy Terror police forces, demonstrated high ability to meet obscurantist terrorism and deserved to be (elevation head) proud of the people of theprovince." 
    He said the patriarch of the Chaldean that " the blood spilled in Kirkuk , an extension of the fire of eternal another force promotes concerted Alkaragokyin and diversity and affirming the possibility of any terrorist ideology stray be controlled by "noting that" the Iraqi solidarity and Tkacvhm sponsor the elimination of terrorism and the dismantling of Aadlogith " . He expressed Sacco hope that" Iraqis are aware of themagnitude of the tragedy they have experienced to initiate a genuine reconciliation and national and understand the lesson well, " everyone urged to "save the religion of extremism and ensure the unity and diversity of civil and state being capable of building a strong Iraq enlightened factors." 
    He pledged the patriarch of the Chaldean that "visiting liberated Christian villages in the Nineveh plain, and tohold religious services, to stimulate the Christians from her family to return to their areas , " stressing the "Iraqi those areas and the need to strive for reconstruction to ensure the return of displaced persons and displaced it." In 
    turn, the price of the Kirkuk police chief , " to support the citizens of Kirkuk and their cooperation with thesecurity agencies to eliminate Daesh attacks , " asserting that "unite the people of Kirkuk and cohesion and would stand in one line with the administration of the province and its security would thwart terrorist plots obscurantism. "

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